Shared by Dennis Perman, DC. To receive his weekly e-mail newsletter .. contact him at: Dear Doctor, I was speaking with my brother, Dr. Steve Perman of Boca Raton, and he told me about an unusual incident in his office. Steve is an expert clinician, and when a new patient who was visiting Florida came in asking for "just an adjustment," he rightly insisted on a complete consultation, history and exam, during which the patient showed him recent films that were taken by his doctor at home. Steve spotted a sinister shadow on the film, and correctly identified it as a large aortic aneurism. He told the patient of the potentially dangerous nature of the problem, and the patient, who was not experiencing related symptoms, pooh-poohed Steve's advice. Steve was persistent, demanding that the patient at least call his doctor. The patient called an internist friend, who asked to see the films immediately. The doctor scheduled the patient for surgery within three days, confirming Steve's suspicion. When the patient called Steve back, he thanked him profusely for sticking to his guns and being firm. Steve got off the phone, and commented to his CA Lena, "It seems like I saved that guy's life." Lena looked at him incredulously, and said, "Doc, you're saving all of their lives!" Lena really gets it. It's not only the dramatic miracles that make a difference in people's lives -- every time you put your hands on a patient, you give that individual a chance to express health better, to improve quality of life, to fend off future problems we can't even name. Who is to say that the adjustment that restores normal function in an asymptomatic child is more valuable than one that relieves painful symptoms? Every time you reach out and help someone, you make a difference. Don't wait for dire circumstances to invest your love, time and energy -- find ways right now to contribute. Everywhere we look, there are unsung heroes doing what they can to make the world a better place. There's Dr. John Przybylak in Snyder, New York, working diligently with the Boy Scouts to create a Chiropractic Merit Badge (to support this worthy cause, contact John at There's Steve Madnick of Health Visions, developing wonderful videos that creatively and effectively educate patients about our unique services (, or And how about you? What are some of the little things you do that make a big difference in people's lives? You are just as great a gift to our world as anyone else, and the kindness you show and the services that you provide are important. Legendary public servants like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela all proclaimed the significance of small actions pointing toward a worthy cause. Don't ever belittle what you do. You are important. Share your love willingly and consistently, and take whatever actions you can in what you believe is the right direction -- it really does make a difference. Dennis Perman DC, for The Masters