POWERSOURCE SUCCESS TIPS (in8tips@swbell.net) 7-18-02 THE TEN LAWS OF PRACTICE GROWTH LAW NUMBER ONE CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS AND ELEVATE YOUR BELIEFS We have the power to create or destroy. Our thoughts and beliefs are everything. What we think and believe will dictate what action we take and what behaviors we embrace. Our thoughts and beliefs determine whether we relish in success or wallow in failure and ultimately determine what contribution we will make while we are on this planet. Therefore the number one rule for practice growth; control your thoughts and elevate your beliefs. Early in my career I had an experience that clearly demonstrated the power of my thoughts and beliefs. It forever changed me andthe practice. The day before a new family with twins had started care. The children suffered with chronic ear infections, had been prescribed six different courses of antibiotics, and were scheduled for surgery at the end of the week. The baby boy screamed if he were taken from his parent¼s arms. The next day they arrived for their second check at the busiest time of the day. The boy was screaming and clutching to his father. As I continued to adjust the other people I could feel the tension and stress rising in the room as others glared at this child for crying and screaming. I noticed myself feeling the stress and thinking less than perfect thoughts. In that moment I lowered my shoulders, took a deep breath, and projected love towards the baby. I just kept thinking love through the next adjustments. And suddenly I could feel the tension in the room dissolve, I heard the baby take in a caught breath and relax. This time, as I took him in my arms to check him, he put his arms around me. The power of what we think and believe can change everything. Experience is our best teacher, pay attention to the lessons you are being taught. When an archer misses a bull¼s-eye they look within, not at the bull¼s-eye. Failure to hit the target is never the fault of the target. What you think and believe will come true so why not focus on the best? These are the strategies that I utilize to elevate my beliefs and control my thoughts. Use them if they work for you or be sure to create your own to grow your practice. SUCCESS TIPS 1. Careful choice of the words I use. Words can create our reality. As an example the other day when golfing I continued to verbalize that golf is an easy game and that my body knows what to do, I just have to quiet my mind and focus on where I want the ball to go. As a result I finally broke 90! 2. I protect my mind; it is my most precious asset for success. Associate with great people, read, listen, and watch enriching material. It is better to have a few precious friends and associates than many who might not be the best for you. 3. Consistently eradicate limiting beliefs and replace then with empowering beliefs. Limit negative thoughts and behaviors; avoid indulging in the negative at all cost. The great thing is you can only hold one thought in your head at a time. I discipline myself to be positive. Anytime I think, hear or say something negative I immediately pronounce, „cancel cancel¾. 4. I learn from adversity. I handle obstacles and challenges by focusing on my vision and the big picture; focus on the solution not the obstacle or challenge. I evaluate the obstacle/challenge by asking the following questions is there is anything I can do to change a.) The situation, b) The person or people involved in the situation, c.) Change myself, or d.) Do I need to change my perception of the challenge or obstacle? I remind myself, every day above ground is a great day! As my mom loved to say there is a silver lining in every cloud, and when faced with a challenge or obstacle I am looking for the silver lining. What does not kill you makes you stronger, in other words we learn more from adversity than anything. Adversity shows us what we are made of; it will provide resources and strengthens us. Until we meet again, may angels guard and guide you, beauty surround you, love enfold you, and may all God¼s blessings be yours. I am yours in guarding the sacred trust, Dr. Shawn Powers GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES