Dr Joel, Also wondering if you or others have had any success in gaining entrance to Target for spinal screening? Local managers refer me to corporate and doesn't seem to be anyone there who can give an answer...don't say "no" but not "yes" either...perhaps you could post in your next newsletter? I would also be happy to hear any ideas you have for getting new patients in the door of a new (start-up) practice. I am cash only upper cervical mainly, and am in a community that has a small-town feel and attitude...ie: if you weren't born here, you are an "outsider." I love it here and seem to be making friends and alliances, but am having trouble getting them in the door, any ideas? Thanks again for all you do, A: Thanks for the e-mail .. I had the same response with my local Target .. they wanted to refer to corporate headquarters for the decision to let us do screenings etc. You may wish to approach them with some creative new approaches. Such as: Prepare a menu of ergonomic programs .. similar to what is in my Smart Start Book .. and try to personally meet with the manager. Discuss between shift safety meetings with their employees .. even for a few employees at a time. Be sure to push the proper buttons of concern such as being Proactive .. Prevention .. employer/employee enhancement programs .. increased productivity when they have decreased physical stress levels. Get a letter of endorsement from a local charity .. be prepared to create a holiday postural/stress screening using the charity for the money the people will offer towards your in office evaluation. Take this letter as well as your program format .. such as a blood pressure and postural/stress screenings via the Red Cross to the manager of Target and other places and accept the fact that they should locally say yes .. it¼s part of your and should be their Community Outreach Programs. If they need corporate approval just be up front and say fine .. but this usually is a local matter and you recommend they try it once and go from there. Create health and prevention programs utilizing the material found in local supermarkets. With the above charity letter or menu of outreach programs .. meet the manager and discuss setting up a quarterly health awareness program in their store. This is the format. For the supermarket .. walk around and find foods that will help reduce blood pressure or can be used as an alternative for various illnesses. If they have a supplement area .. pick out the alternative supplements for many conditions. Set up a table in the store with many of these items on display and prepare a handout with the section it can be found and why you recommend it. If you do this prior to meeting the manager (I mean checking the shelves .. not setting up tables etc.) and have your handout with their store name clearly marked .. it shows your teamwork with them and may get you in the door. If there is a super store .. such as Sams or Costco .. pick sports/exercise items as well. Small towns are just micro big towns. The municipal division is less but is still there. Check the demographics and create your marketing farm with all or some of them. Plan your strategy and create logs and walk through where you can meet and greet people at work and play. Ask your patients where they work .. give them handouts to give to their supervisors for your ergonomic talks .. lunch and learn or mandatory classes. Start here and let me know where we need to fine tune. Have a Great Day Dr. M