Shared by: Dr. David Fakadej A synopse of Strauss' Philosophy book. The book is much better than this. Some parts state old thinking and a modern understanding of the world around us necessitates that the reader consider the significance of history before making rash arguements against this. Dr Hawk, this will help put into perspective the foundation for what defines a chiropractor. It does not give a definition that fits modern times without some degree of modification. With this information, it is easier to formulate a more conventional definition. To formulate a better constitution of the United States with no care for US history, is to pronounce ignorance and ignite national anger. The same fate awaits those who would formulate a new definition of chiropractic without care for what we call chriopractic philosophy and history. Good luck! 1-DEDUCTION/INDUCTION Applicable comprehension. …Gnosis ‚ intellectual knowledge (nous ‚ head knowledge) left lobe. …Epignosis ‚ knowledge above mere assimilation (kardia ‚ heart knowledge) right lobe. Superior knowledge. Three ways to accept information: …Faith - In spite of evidence - In absence of evidence - Because of evidence …Empiricism - the scientific method - Empirical chiropractor - Philosophical chiropractor …Rationalization - Deductive reasoning ‚ general to specific - Inductive reasoning ‚ specific to general 2-UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE „There is a Universal Intelligence in all matter which continually gives to it all its properties and actions thus maintaining it in existence.¾ „a priori,¾ impersonal, intangible, major premise of chiropractic accepted through deductive reasoning. 3-INNATE INTELLIGENCE Distinguishes between living and non-living matter. Innate intelligence, „Law of Life¾ (B.J. Palmer). Similarities ‚ innate/universal -Impersonal -Organize matter -Immaterial Dissimilarities ‚ innate/universal -Innate has limitation, universal has no limitation -Universal is in all matter, innate is not in all matter Innate is part of universal, but universal is not part of innate. Innate distinguishes living between non-living. There are levels of innate intelligence (i.e. cellular, tissue, organ, etc.) 4-TRIUNE OF LIFE …Five „signs of life¾ that determine „law of life:¾ 1.Assimilation (selective intake) 2.Excretion (selective outflow) 3.Adaptability (ability to respond) 4.Growth 5.Reproduction …Trinity of life is intelligence, force, matter Innate intelligence has limitation by the limitation of matter. Chiropractic tries to re-enable damaged (subluxated) matter to restore the full expression of the triune. 5-UNIVERSAL FORCES Universal intelligence operates via universal laws ‚ physics, entropy. Innate intelligence operates via man-made laws within the scope of universal law parameters. Universal law is not subject to innate law. 6-INNATE FORCES The function of innate intelligence is to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body in two ways: …Adapt the matter so the universal forces do not damage it. …Investing universal forces with a new and constructive character 7-SAFETY PIN CYCLE Reflex arc(s) exist in the human body and has limitations by time and matter 8-VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION For subluxation to occur, the following criteria are necessary: …Loss of juxtaposition. .Occlusion of an opening. …Impingement of a nerve. …Interference with the transmission of mental impulses. 9-TREATMENT/ADJUSTMENT Treatment ‚ anything done for a patient to alleviate a symptom or disease. Adjustment ‚ to bring vertebrae into right relationship. Manipulation ‚ putting a bone through a hyper-range of motion. 10-HEALTH AND DISEASE Health, today, is comparable to cold, dark, or silence. People tend to measure the degree of deviation using an entity (disease, heat, light, sound respectively) to describe the aforementioned „non-entity.¾ The state of disease results from a compromised immune response first and then, secondly, an opportunistic occurrence or pathogen during the immune depressed time. If people make sure to maintain a competent immune system (through adjustments, diet, exercise, etc.) then disease does not become opportunistic. 11-SYMPTOMS Symptoms arise from the inability of the body to adapt to external invasive forces. Three categories of symptoms: …Symptoms can develop through exposure to an abnormal environment ‚ even with a non-subluxated body. A good nerve supply allows an individual to adapt a little better. …Symptoms arise from adverse conditions that the educated brain can circumvent (i.e. sunburn ‚ get out of the sun). .Symptoms that develop as a result of limitations of matter thus allowing a breakdown to occur in the body¼s system. 12-LIMITATIONS OF MATTER Three factors that limit matter: …Physical properties ‚ The nerves do not directly control connective tissues, fluids, etc. …Quantity and size ‚ The body is capable of adapting given normal conditions. Today, we demand non-normal functions on the body that it less capable of adapting. The quantity and size of nerves is inadequate. …Shape ‚ The body¼s shape (and component shapes) allows for only specific abilities. 13-SURIVAL VALUES ACSV ‚ accumulated constructive survival forces ADSV ‚ accumulated destructive survival forces These two are net results from cellular interactions with universal forces. Chiropractic seeks to allow nerve impulses to aid in the recovery from ADSV and allow for maximum ACSV. 14-FOOD-DIET-EXERCISE Food ‚ the body will take in what is food and pass out what is not food! (Hmmmmm) Diet ‚ a course of food prescribed. Not within Chiropractic scope. Exercise ‚ too much and not enough is potentially harmful. PT¼s scope of practice. Hygiene ‚ changes with the changing environment. Chiropractic philosophy can aid in educating society about good hygiene in adverse living conditions today. 15-POISONS Two types: ingested and internally produced. The healthy body can eliminate both. 16-THE CAUSE OF SUBLUXATION Term: External forces ‚ „environmental or universal or physical forces: forces not assembled by innate intelligence¾ (principle 11). [Penetrative forces or external invasive forces ‚ unadapted external forces.] The cause of subluxation results from external forces overcoming the body¼s internal resistive forces [either by limitation of time or limitation of matter]. Three external invasive forces: …Physical ‚including subliminal or åchronic¼ stress as well as sudden impact stress. …Chemical ‚ingested substances or metabolically produced substances. …Emotional ‚least understandable, includes mental stress …A combination of the three. To address the external forces (an impossible task) is what a mixer tries to accomplish. It is equally impossible to „bolster¾ the internal resistive forces because of the limitations of time and matter. 17-DEFINITION OF CHIROPRACTIC ONE DEFINITION- whatever the state law defines it as. Problem, each state differs. TWO DEFINITION- an absolute definitive definition. Problem, language changes and makes past wording obsolete and the ability to better define develops. B.J. Palmer ‚ „a philosophy, science, and art of things natural; a system of adjusting the segments of the spinal column by hand only, for the correction of the cause and DIS-EASE.¾ 18 ‚ DISEASE AND DIS-EASE Disease is a medical term for sickness; it is an entity worthy of a name for a sickness that the doctor must drive out, purge, fight or destroy. The presence of something. Dis-ease is a chiropractic term meaning not having ease. The absence of something. Each can occur with or without the presence of the other. 19 ‚ NORMAL VS. AVERAGE „Normal¾ body temperature is really an average. Averages are ease to determine. We can not presume to know what normal is, as the adaptive nature of innate intelligence adjusts the normal according to circumstances. 20 ‚ EDUCATED INTELLIGENCE There is an innate brain and an educated brain. The innate brain takes the universal forces and changes that character from destructive into constructive via mental impulses. Page 156, bottom: River is universal intelligence, Electric plant is innate brain, Operator of the plant is innate intelligence, Wires are the nervous system, Electrical appliance is an organ. The educated brain acts as an organ. Via memory or will we use the educated brain to adapt to the external forces of the environment. Innate brain will adapt at a subconscious level ‚ sweat or shiver. Educated brain will adapt at a conscious level ‚ wear a swimsuit or a fur coat. Educated brain is a tangible portion of the brain; educated intelligence is its capability to function (at birth ‚ 0% educated intelligence; at death ‚ 100%). Innate body consists of cells that operate without control but within the parameters of the innate brain. The educated body is the cells (perhaps organelles, tissues, organs, and organ systems too?) carrying out function without the control of the educated brain or the innate body. 21 ‚ ADJUSTMENT REACTION The intent of an adjustment is to normalize bodily function. Three manifestations of an adjustment reaction: …No symptomatic change. As a result of limitations of time and matter, the body undergoes normalization but symptomology will not occur instantly. .Patient feels better. …Increase in unpleasant symptoms. Though rare, the body may react negatively at the onset of normalization. In delivering an adjustment the chiropractor delivers a universal force. It is up to the body to adapt that universal force to accommodate the innate. 22 ‚ DIAGNOSIS This chapter tries to explain that, in Chiropractic, there is no place for diagnosis. Strauss fails to recognize that, in making the decision to make an adjustment in a specific place with direction and velocity, a diagnosis is always a part of making a decision to adjust. He explains that diagnosis is philosophically unsound, practically irrational, and professionally suicidal (especially when considering ånormal¼ vs. average) in a convincing manner. He also uses this argument to explain the reason for the straight vs. mixer situation in Chiropractic today. He fails to recognize, however, that people are human and will want a better explanation than a simple „it works¾ excuse from a „doctor.¾ 23 ‚ NORMAL COMPLETE CYCLE An attempt to give a philosophical explanation for physiological phenomena. The cycle has an efferent and afferent side. Efferent side 1.Universal intelligence. Applies to living and non-living. 2.Innate intelligence. Differentiates living from non-living. 3.Mental realm. Cognizance of the purpose of intelligence. 4.Creation. Wishing won¼t make it happen. Normally destructive universal forces are not constructive innate forces. 5.Brain cell. The assembling point for the created constructive force. 6.Transformation. Where thought becomes reality. 7.Mental impulse. The initiation of that transformation process. 8.Propulsion. Transmission of that mental impulse. 9.Efferent nerve. The nerve that carries the transmission. 10.Transmission. The crossing from nerve to effector. 11.Tissue cell. The effector. 12,13,14,15. Reception, physical personification, expression, and function. 16.Coordination. Afferent side 1.Coordination. 2.Tissue cell. Body in contact with environment. 3.Vibration. Physical, metabolic, motion. 4.Impressions of vibrations. Innate awareness of the innate need of the cell. 5.Afferent nerve. 6.Transmission. 7.Brain cell. 8.Reception. Impressions arriving at the mental. 9.Mental. Change from physical to non-physical. 10.Interpretation. Transfer of impression into thought. 11.Sensation. A unit of thought. 12.Ideation. Summation of sensations. 13.Innate intelligence. Assembling various sensations from the environment. 14.Intellectual adaptation. The decision of innate to adapt to environment. 15.Universal intelligence. Logical end to cycle! 24 ‚ THE THIRTY-THREE PRINCIPLES 1. A universal intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence. 2. The expression of this intelligence through matter is the chiropractic meaning of life. 3. Life is necessarily the union of intelligence and matter. 4. Life is a triunity having three necessary united factors, that is, intelligence, force, and matter. Life is the bond that links matter and intelligence. 5. In order to have 100% life there must be 100% intelligence, 100% force, and 100% matter. 6. There is no process that does not require time. 7. The amount of intelligence for any given unit of matter is always 100% and is always proportional to its requirements. 8. The function of intelligence is to create force. 9. The amount of force created by intelligence is always 100%. 10. The function of force is t6o unite intelligence and matter. 11. The forces of universal intelligence are manifested as physical laws; are unswerving and unadapted and have no solicitude for structures of matter. 12. There can be an interference with the transmission of universal forces. 13. The function of matter is to express force. 14. Force is manifested by motion in matter, all matter has motion, therefore there is universal life in all matter. 15. Matter can have no motion without the application of force by intelligence. 16. Universal intelligence gives force to both organic and inorganic matter. 17. With regard to motion in matter every affect has a cause and every cause has an effect. 18. The signs of life are evidence of the intelligence of life. 19. The material of the body of a „living thing¾ is organic matter. 20. A „living thing¾ has an inborn intelligence within its body called innate intelligence. 21. The mission of innate intelligence is to maintain the material of the body of a „living thing¾ in active organization. 22. There is 100% of innate intelligence in every „living thing,¾ the requisite amount, proportional to its organization. 23. The function of innate intelligence is to adapt universal forces and matter for use in the body so that all parts of the body will have coordinated action for mutual benefit. 24. Innate intelligence adapts forces and matter for the body as long as it can do so without breaking a universal law. 25. The forces of innate intelligence never injure or destroy the tissue in which they work. 26. In order to carry on the universal cycle of life, universal forces are destructive and innate forces are constructive as regards structural matter. 27. Innate intelligence is always normal and its function is always normal. 28. The forces of innate intelligence operate through or over the nervous system. 29. There can be an interference with the transmission of innate forces. 30. Interference with the transmission of innate forces results in a state of incoordination or DIS-EASE. 31. Interference with transmission within the body is always directly or indirectly due to subluxation in the spinal column. 32. Coordination is the principle of harmonious action of all the parts of an organism in fulfilling their offices and purposes. 33. The law of demand and supply is existent in the body in its ideal state; wherein the „clearing house¾ is the brain, innate the virtuous „banker,¾ brain cells „clerks,¾ and nerve cells „messengers.¾ 25 ‚ PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNIQUE Two parts ‚ analysis and adjustment. Analysis ‚ methods Analyzing symptoms to determine adjustment site ‚ bad. Osseous palpation ‚ bad. X-ray ‚ bad. Structural ‚ noting changes ‚ bad. Instrumentation ‚ all bad. Other ‚ bad. Adjustment ‚ philosophical considerations The body makes the adjustment not the chiropractor. Form of adjusting. The Chiropractic objective is the location, analysis, and correction of vertebral subluxation and nothing else. There will probably always be arguments over technique and frankly they serve no purpose because all techniques work if they have design to introduce an intelligent force into the spine.