2-19-04 Shared by: Mary Flannery, DC Esserboo@hotmail.com The press in the Quad Cities is beginning to come up to speed on the larger issues behind what was initially perceived as student unrest following an administrative change. The press is now beginning to ask questions about how alumni feel about what is transpiring, if the school will lose financial support and student referrals, and the major question, if there is a smoking gun of inappropriate activity by Dr. Riekeman and his administration, where is the bullet? If the board has valid allegations of misbehavior, you would think they would have presented them as quickly as possible to quell the rising tide of negative press and fiscal instability. What are they waiting for? Why are they hiding? Vickie stated publicly that she was „surprisedū by what she characterized as Riekemanžs sudden departure. Yet, she retained the services of a public relations firm in Cedar Rapids weeks before Dr. Riekeman resigned. Their story so far is not adding up. The funds already lost and potentially lost, as supporters pull out, do not seem to be persuading the board that the school is in jeopardy. Money does not appear to be an immediate issue. I have been asked many times now if alumni should be withdrawing financial and student support. After much thought and soul searching I must say; each of us must carefully consider the potential outcomes of these decisions. If all principled chiropractors pull up their oars and abandon the ship of Palmer, the ship will remain, but we will no longer have any ability to influence its direction. The students who remain at Palmer, and continue to enter Palmer, will do so because although the quality of the education has been altered, it remains in many minds, the best school the profession has to offer at this time. While you may agree or not agree with that idea, the fact remains that many future chiropractors, who will mold the future of Chiropractic tomorrow (just as we do today) will be left on this rudderless boat, drifting or driven into dangerous territory for the future of Chiropractic. Who do you see at the helm? I urge each of you to do what your Innate Intelligence and your heart guide you to do as you decide how to react to the changes at Palmer. Remember that we cannot change a thing or a place that we are not active within. And ultimately, those who suffer most will be the students, and eventually the profession. If we withdraw funds from Palmer at large, we must search for ways to give time, money, and service to student groups and active associations who represent the stance that you are hoping to see flourish on Palmeržs campuses. There are many ways to support those principles that so many admired in Dr. Riekemanžs message to the profession and keep him alive on Palmeržs campuses. I do not presume to know what any one of us should do. I only wish to caution each of you to not burn your bridges behind you without looking at the potential consequences of each course of action. I, for today, will pledge my money and my time to the students of Palmer. I will continue to support them in their efforts to challenge the Board that allowed this situation to come to be. I pledge to continue to gather your votes and your voices so that the constituency of Palmer College does not go unheard and does not allow the behavior of the Board of Trustees to continue unchallenged. There is still a battle here; but it is not against Palmer College, it is against the Palmer Board of Trustees. Donžt give up hope! „What people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can.ū --Thoreau Please pick up the phone and contact your classmates and colleagues and urge them to cast their votes at www.dc2be.com Do not assume that everyone already knows what is happening. When the polls close on Monday, February 23rd, we need every single vote possible represented. There are almost 60,000 chiropractors in the field. I am willing to compile the voices of Palmer and bring your vote to the board of Trustees. I only ask that you help me make sure that we are reaching the many field doctors, doing the real daily work of chiropractic, so that we can show the world how unified we can be. Donžt let them say we didnžt care when it was time to be counted. As always, feel free to forward this as needed. Chiropractically Yours, Mary Flannery, DC Esserboo@hotmail.com