ÝIntroduction to Office Procedure.. found on webpage: http://www.chiro.org/newDCs Excerpted from " Basic Office Procedure" ©1995 By Phil Mancuso, DC Your office has one very important asset: people! Whether we refer to the patients who come to you for help, or the people who make up your staff, your office is a service institution and as such, your very reason for existence is people. As members of a health delivery team, it's up to each and every one of you to personally make sure that you are as proficient in the performance of your particular duties as possible. Whether it be for your patients or for your staff, a well thought out and printed office policy and procedure are essential to a successfully run practice. This procedure is the result of many hours spent in rear-end numbing practice management seminars since 1976. One could just read and practice this procedure or spend thousands of dollars on management services like I did. In four separate sections we'll be going over office procedure from start to finish, from a new patient's first contact with your office on the telephone, etc. Included are the following: 1. Front desk telephone procedure 2. Pre-consultation and consultation 3. Return visit/report of findings 4. Scheduling for health care class (special consultation) and multiple appointments. Emphasis will be: 1. How you can best give service to your patients 2. Patient education in natural health, and chiropractic in particular 3. Instilling the referral concept 4. Adherence to all office procedures and scripts. Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý We'll be covering procedures of both assistants and doctors in an attempt to demonstrate the need for a team effort. The finished product will only be as good as the quality of its components, so it is up to each and every individual to master his or her role. Try to visualize the kind of doctor's office you'd like to visit if you were a patient!