Q: I donžt know how I got your e- mail but you said to respond. I m frustrated my income is very low I am seeing 30 per day which seems busy with one front desk CA. A: Thanks for your e-mail ..Seeing 30 patients a day should bring you a decent income if your fees were in order. I'd need to know how you charge and why you feel your income is low. It seems you practice in a progressive area .. I am sure many DC's are doing well there. As a springboard .. 30 patients can generate a lot more. So .. I recommend you take a few moments and reply with why you feel your income is low .. what you feel are the blocks from creating more income .. what methods you use to attract new patients and your method of establishing their schedule with your explanation of their fees. Some DC's almost give care away .. they also .. from the beginning .. mention discounted fees as a means to hopefully convince patients to return for care. Remember that just down the street there may be a DC just as sincere and also a great adjuster but follows the rules of the game to provides a great service and asks for a decent fee. Which are you? If you see 30 a day .. you are successful attracting and maintaining a practice .. now grow more and make a living doing it Have a Great Day Dr. M