Shared by: AccuChecker (Silverio & Associates) UNDERSTANDING AND OVERCOMING WAIVER OF LIABILITY BILATERAL SURGERY DEVELOPMENT LETTER FOR MEDICARE AS SECODARY PAYOR In this weeks issue we address more topics which are critical to obtaining maximum and timely reimbursement for a healthcare provider. In this newsletter we provide information on protecting the provider from being held financially liable under waiver of liability, obtaining proper maximized reimbursement for bilateral surgeries, and preventing delays in Medicare as Secondary Payor reimbursements. We are still looking for contributions from credentialed experts in healthcare reimbursement related fields. Please let us know your ideas by email - ____________________________________________________ _______ UNDERSTANDING AND OVERCOMING WAIVER OF LIABILITY Medicare may deny claims that it deems not medically reasonable or necessary. In such a circumstance the patient may be protected from having to pay for such services under the "waiver of liability" doctrine. The government is protected under Section 1862(a)(1) of the social security act, which prohibits payment for services that are not deemed medically reasonable or necessary. The following are some of the reasons a service may be considered not reasonable and necessary: * The Service is not covered considering the diagnosis/condition of the patient. * The frequency or range of the procedure was beyond the accepted standards of medical practice. * The medical documentation did not justify the medical necessity of the service. Providers are expected to be aware of what conditions may lead to a rejection or reduction of benefits, especially when: * The medical necessity requirements were published by Medicare Part B * The provider has received a previous review, waiver of liability, hearing decision, or other notice, which informed the provider of the medical necessity requirements. * A denial or reduction of payment on the same or similar service has been received. However, there is protection for the provider as well: * If the provider notifies the patient in advance that payment for the service may be denied or reduced, the provider is not held financially liable for the service. The following is a standard letter, which can be used to explain "waiver of liability" to the patient and indemnify the provider against being held financially liable for the service. Waiver Liability (WL) & Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) Agreement ____________________________________________________ __________ One or more of the procedures or CPT4 codes listed below are requested by the physician, either separately or as part of a panel, profile or other group test group, for this patient with Medicare coverage AND the patient's diagnosis DOES NOT match any of the ICD-9 codes established as eligible for coverage by the local or regional Medicare carrier. Medicare will only pay for services that it determines to be 'reasonable and necessary' under section 1862(a)(1) of the Medicare law. If Medicare determines that a particular service, although would otherwise be covered, is not 'reasonable and necessary' under Medicare program standards, Medicare will deny payment for that service. I believe that in your care, Medicare is likely to deny payment for the following service(s): Procedure: CPT4: For the following REASON: ______Medicare usually does not pay for the service for the provided diagnosis. ______Medicare does not pay for tests that do not have FDA approval. ______Medicare usually does not pay for routine exam/lab work ______Other:__________________________________________ __________ I have been notified by my physician/supplier that he/she believes that, in my case, Medicare is likely to deny payment for the services identified above for the reasons noted. If Medicare denies payment, I AGREE to be personally and fully responsible for payment. ____________________________________ _____________________________ Beneficiary's Signature Date ____________________________________ _____________________________ Beneficiary's Name (PLEASE PRINT) Beneficiary's Insurance # ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- -------------------------------- I have been informed by my provider that he/she believes, in my case, Medicare under section 1862(a)(1) is likely to deny payment for the test(s) identified above, for the reason stated. I understand that I have the right to decide whether or not to have the identified procedure(s) performed. I have decided NOT to have the identified procedure(s) performed because I am not willing to be personally responsible for payment. _____________________________________ _____________________________ Beneficiary's Signature Date ____________________________________________________ _______