Shared by: Drs. Theresa & Stuart Warner The Famous ChiroPediatric Top 7 Top Seven Things to Hang on the Wall to Grow your Pediatric Practice. Most people are very visual. What they see on your wall will create conscious and sub-conscious impressions in their minds. While you are busy adjusting, let your walls do the talking. 1. Create children's picture boards of the kids getting adjusted. Hang a Picture Board on the wall and fill it up with photos of your pediatric patients. Place a banner over it entitled "Well Adjusted Kids," or "Our Family of Healthy Chiro Kids!" or "Why are these children so healthy". 2. Hang a "Pediatric Success Story Board" Parents will read these testimonials while they are waiting to get adjusted. This will dramatically increase referrals for you and allow you to help more children. Parents enjoy reading other child patient's successes. 3. Hang concept and educational posters of children and pregnancy. This sets the stage for making families feel welcome in your office. 4. Place a display of pediatric pamphlets on your wall. Results begin with patient education. 5. Hang a "Hot off the Presses" current events bulletin board. Display pediatric news clippings that support our point of view. This will set the stage for many discussions on different children's health issues. 6. Hang a board listing an upcoming schedule of office "Special Events," including children parties, pediatric health care classes, Kids Day America/International, Children's Health and Wellness Expo and more. 7. Create a "Pediatric Patient of the Week Board" be creative and include the child's name, age, photo, computer scans (sub-station), and a brief write up of why this child was honored. Get permission from the parents before sharing any child success stories. The things that you put on the wall speak a thousand words. What you put on your walls becomes cost effective marketing and helps create the environment to fill your office up with children.