Q: I am thinking about doing Independent Medical Examinations. Is it better to advertise myself to insurance companies than to PI attorneys? Do I need to b certified in impairment ratings? A: It is my impression that an IME is a curse for a PI attorney as the insurance industry uses IME exams as a means to stop or question care. Of course we need IME docs who will do a decent and honest job but if they did and often approved or extended care provided by the DC in question the insurance company would find someone else to play ball with them. Furthermore .. if the case will be deep in litigation the patient attorney may question your exam and opinion. Even though you may be sheltered by the insurance company it is a risk and headache I would rather avoid it IME's could bring in some extra money but it carries with it some headaches so think seriously about this. But to answer you .. you should contact the insurance industry if you wish to be an IME doc As far as being certified in impairment ratings .. it is not necessary but would help. Your license is enough to be an expert but every bit of extra info doesn't hurt. I recommend you concentrate building a regular practice every day .. the energy and money you'll place learning and promoting an IME will provide you less money than promoting a PI practice with the legal community. To have a PI clinic you need to know the mechanics of narratives .. note taking .. and provide services such as rehab and possibly some therapy .. but not necessary. Therefore the classes on PI would be my recommendation. Have a Great Day Dr. M