Shared by: Dr. Rick Wren ( Pre ‚Framing Subluxation Hi, Ižm Dr. _______, and Ižm glad youžre here today. I see that __ referred you here. We really appreciate him/her for referring us his/her friends and family, and we intend to take such good care of you, __, that wežll expect you to send your friends and family here to within the next few weeks. For me to be able to help you, _, I have to locate, analyze, and correct what is called a vertebral subluxation. A vertebra subluxation is when 2 bones get out of alignment and start putting pressure on a nerve. Now most kids have 1 or 2 subluxations from trike wrecks, falling out of trees, playing sports, and even during the birth process. When the head has to be twisted a lot and pulled out, at times this can cause a subluxation. Now typically when a kid gets a subluxation theyžre asymptomatic, in other words therežs not much pain associated with it. They cry for a few minutes and then theyžre done. Nut what happens is that a muscle will spasms or splint to protect that nerve, and as a result the kid will lose 5 to 10 degrees of ROM that nobody notices, because most parents donžt know to take their kids to a chiropractor to have them checked. As a result of that spasm or splinting on that subluxation, the subluxation will tend to stay there for 10, 20, 30 years and as it stays there locked up, the disc and the nerve will degenerate. As the disc degenerates, it gets thinner and thinner, or it can have an unexpected blowout, such as when youžre bending over and you get a sudden intense pain. As the nerve degenerates, you start developing symptoms, like: _ Aches and Pains _ Numbness and Tingling _ Spasms and Cramping _ Swelling and Burning _ Weakness and in-coordination. And you can get these symptoms anywhere that the nerves go. The nerves of the neck go to head, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. The nerves of the mid-back go to the mid-back and chest. The nerves of the low back go to the butt, legs, feet, and toes. What most people donžt know is that those same nerves affect organs as well. The nerves of the neck will affect the eyes, ears, noes and throat. The nerves of the mid-back will affect the heart, lungs, and stomach. The nerves of the low back will affect the kidney, bowel bladder and sexual organs. Now about 90% of our patients initially come into our office for aches and pains. But interestingly enough when we find a subluxation, and we start correcting them by using repetitive chiropractic adjustments, about 50% of our patients start noticing changes over here: _ Visionžs sharper hearingžs better _ Sinuses are better Swallowing is easier _ Blood pressure drops Athsmažs better _ Indigestionžs better Constipationžs better Theyžre pretty happy about it. They came in for a back pain, and wežve helped them with their eyes, heart, or lungs. You see chiropractic is about helping the body function at itžs best not just getting rid of pain. On the other hand about 90% of our patients notice a big improvement in their aches and pains. Now, _______, like I was saying in order for me to help you, I have to find the subluxations. And in order for me to do this, we need to do a thorough orthopedic, neurological, and comprehensive chiropractic exam. We also, need to take a thorough set of x-rays in order for me to see how many subluxations you have, and how long they have been there, because the longer theyžve been there, the uglier theyžll look. Ižm going to study this information very carefully, so I can put together a written report, and have that report ready for you tomorrow at, _____. Itžs very important that you bring someone that is close to you for you report tomorrow. That way they will understand why you need to come to the chiropractor. After evaluating your exam we will determine if we should initiate some first aid therapy today, to help make you feel better, and give you some home instructions. The charge for everything we do for the first 2 days including: comprehensive chiropractic exam, x-rays, any therapy today, as well as; every thing we do the 2nd day including: therapy, report of findings, and your first adjustment is 140. Even though the money is for the first 2 days we need you to pay the 140 in full today. If you donžt have any questions, letžs get started.