Dr. Margolies (joel3639@aol.com) reply to a DC stating that Dr. Sid Williams is innocent of the accreditation issue. DC e-mail: I do not think it is merely CCE's fault, I do believe that Sid stood up for chiropractic at all costs. I am not in favor of a lawsuit with Sid & Nell and Life, are you implying that alumni are planning to sue Sid & Nell? Nor am I in favor of a chiropractic accrediting agency that accredits medical education instead of chiropractic education. I am in favor of a chiropractic accrediting agency that accredits chiropractic education and that is what we got at Life. I don't believe the CCE promotes chiropractic education. You are right, philosophy should be weaved into every class throughout the entire curriculum. And it is a damn shame it has come to this. It is an outrage that CCE didn't have the courtesy to allow Dr. Sid to bow out gracefully at 75 years old in the spring as he had planned. It is too severe a move to be simply a few issues that they didn't have the foresight to mention the year before, but now all of a sudden are bringing up with no warning and no time to correct. It wreaks of philosophical differences leading to political sabotage. I believe they set the Williams up. As for the financial issues, he & Nell built that school from the ground up, suffered great losses along the way to protect and promote and defend the chiropractic profession and deserve every penny they get. Students had choices to attend other schools if they felt Life was too expensive or whatever, but we chose Life U & Dr. Sid's leadership. I really believe Sid & Nell, & Life U will come thru it, somehow, sooner or later, for the better. Of course, we're all hoping it's sooner and that CCE will grant a probation extension to meet their most recent demands. And, yes, ICA has been lazy, too little, too late. I believe CCE did this on purpose for whatever they wished to gain. If all they wanted was to get rid of Sid & Nell & family, they have accomplished that and should allow the school to remain on probation to resolve the issues. If they wanted to close down the largest CHIROPRACTIC school, they will not renew the accreditation regardless of any administrative efforts. They have played their hand and their true colors and purpose will show shortly when they announce their decision. Thanks for the good discussion. Let's pray for Life U, the students, the administration to build a better rapport with CCE and that CCE shows compassion. Dr. Margolies reply: I appreciate your position but as I see it I must respectfully disagree. I am writing this to you not for distribution if others wish my opinion they can ask .. my view has been written within my weekly e-mail as well as the guest editorial for the recent Chiropractic Products magazine ..if you don't have it visit www.chiropub.com and click on recent issue. CEO's and founders throughout history have a problem letting go and often over reaching their expertise. I wasn't recommending or foresee the alumni suing Dr. Sid .. he may have his hands full via students and parents .. but all this happened on his watch. Graceful retirement should have been years ago. The sports .. the overabundance of purchased buildings and land .. the outreach programs were all financial drains and the cost was lost focus on the main product .. chiropractic. The CCE is nothing new .. it has been ACA affiliated since the beginning and their educational parameters are nothing new as well since Life had consultants etc and have been attempting to follow their guidelines. The lines were drawn between what was easy and what would be difficult to implement .. Dr. Sid (he alone .. to be sure) decided on the route that was taken and therefore the outcome. Thousands of lives are in turmoil and students are anxious of what to do at no fault of their own. It is naive to say that they had a choice of which school to attend .. the attended the best and it let them down. How many DC's graduate from mixer or straight schools and practice opposite .. how many attend every DE and turn to the dark side .. the numbers are there. You can only offer the curriculum as stated by the accrediting board .. it is not time to disagree and force the hand (especially after a year of probation) to this end. Dr. Sid's legacy is what you see today not what was. We both agree he is a genius and a protector of the philosophy and principle but in reality he like Sherman before him decided to buck the system and the outcome will be a mass exodus of present students and new students wanting to attend .. therefore lowering the numbers by default. Life can sustain the "medical" portion of the CCE requirements .. just like the sustain teaching everything but adjusting. When I was a student Life introduced venopuncture in the lab and we did it the same as urine samples .. lo and behold .. I haven't used a blood pressure cuff in 25 years .. it didn't pollute me. Mixers aren't the enemy unless you wish to live on the dogmatic fringe .. they help people too .. I know many as you probably do as well. The straighest of th straights blend somewhat. Get the education .. offer the post graduate DE's and as BJ said .. let all else follow. The Board of Trustees are puppets for Dr. Sid (each one a great and decent person but loyal to the man for Dr. Sid) and there will be little changes as long as they remain. I trust Clum and Sigafoose .. the rest should respectfully leave and let the changes take place within a framework that is acceptable and hope for the best. Dr. Sid doesn't deserve more or less that anyone else who started a business and took the risks. A lot has been written about his obvious salary and those of his family .. who knows of any hidden income. He was offered three years salary .. a car .. a home in Sarasota and pictures as his package to leave .. thes rest did well as well. Where did all the money come and go for everything you see on that beautiful campus. Forget about CCE .. Life was about to lose their accreditation from SAC's .. not due to philosophy or subjects but for financial questions. This is where the fireworks will strike once there is time to investigate it. I leave you with this most recent of many e-mails I get from students and family. These are from two mothers concerned about their children. It should NEVER have come to this point. Again .. don't blame the messenger but the recipient. I hope you realize that I support LUCC .. possibly less for the administration Have a Great Day Dr. M Dr Joel Thank you so much for all your info ... my son has sent transcripts out to two different schools ... he feels it is time to go after September. So many repercussions for everyone who believed Life was the way, this is going to cost some serious money to make these changes, however, what choice do we have. The apartment lease is one concern. Students are dropping out and waiting till Jan. to begin. David is in another situation altogether, he wants to keep moving and not take time out which I respect him for. From a moms point of view, my sons voice says it all...very serious and worried. I just believe it will turn out for the best. He will just be three months behind at Sherman and will graduate in June 2003 instead of March. He wants OUT.... hope he is doing the right thing ... keep me informed of what you hear.. your voice means a great deal to us.. thanks again Dear Dr. Margolies....I write this note to you to thank you for trying to understand the frustration and pressure that everyone is under at this time. How joyful this time should be for our family. Our son is about to enter the study of chiropractic, our daughter is about to enter the field of chiropractic. Why is this not a joyful time...our daughter who God only knows what quarter she is in is desperatly trying to graduate. She is doubling up taking more classes than she emotionally should, but is scared not too. How many phone calls have I received from her crying that she doesn't think she can do it. Then we talk and she calms down and pulls herself up and hangs in there. Praise God she is almost done. The clinic is going well, she is getting down to the routine of school, the clinic, research, and going to board review. Our daughter was not a good student to begin with....we told her to take her time now this. Anyway, I know that she will make it but I think of the other students who are under pressure I just pray that they are getting the emotional support that they need. I remember how much fun it was that last semester when my husband was in chiropractic school..Our son will be leaving for Atlanta next week to work before he enters Life University as a student of Chiropractic....1st quarter. Are we excited what a send off he will get. He is enrolled in two other schools at the same time...who ever heard of such a thing. Talk about a stressful summer. I know our story is probably very small compared to the others that their lives are changing dramatically.Oh our other daughter will be graduating from HS this comming year....she's thinking about going into teaching. Thanks for listening....A mom...