7/3/05 Dear Doctor of Chiropractic, Welcome to WCA Canada! Our mission is to protect and promote the principles of Chiropractic. Regardless of your affiliations with other associations, we represent a strong voice for the movement of Subluxation, research based, wellness based practices. Our current initiatives include a membership drive (see attached) and a strong research validated voice through the new RCS program ( www.rcsprogram.com ). Please read our free monthly newsletter on the science, art, philosophy and politics of Chiropractic. Once you become a member of WCA Canada, 50% of your membership dollars will be allocated towards the promotion and protection of the greatest health care profession in the world.Chiropractic. 1. Science: By Dr Kelly Kramp YOU BE THE JUDGE!! In a review of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, Dr. Sean Hannon reviewed numerous studies published in the research literature showing that chiropractic care has a direct effect on the function of our bodies. Think about this for a minute. Could this improve your overall quality of life? Perhaps you would tire less easily, sleep more soundly, move easier, walk faster, overcome illnesses quicker, become stronger, etc. MOVE EASIER: Numerous papers showed chiropractic care improved range of motion, muscle tone, and muscle strength. IMMUNE SYSTEM: Other studies have shown that chiropractic care has an effect on how effectively our immune system's cells destroy invaders, that it can affect some of the stress hormones and even increase beta-endorphin levels. You should be getting the picture, by reducing interference to the way your nervous system works, chiropractic care can actually help the body work more efficiently. It improves physiological function overall. HEART AND LUNGS: Research has now shown that chiropractic care reduces pulse pressure and reduces heart rate, which can potentially reduce heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases by increasing cardiac reserve and nutrient supply to cardiac muscles. Other effects on cardiopulmonary (heart and lung) function have been studied revealing that chiropractic can improve aerobic capacity, lung volume and pulmonary function. PERFORMANCE: Research using athletes has shown changes in agility, balance, kinesthetic perception, power, and speed reaction as well as improvement in muscle strength, long jump distance, and capillary counts. This will obviously translate into overall improved performance in other areas of life, just not athletics. What all these studies show is that chiropractic care can help you to live a better life, a more holistic, well balanced and better functioning life. That's what wellness is really all about. So the next time you adjust a patient your mind will have been expanded to realize that their benefits go far beyond getting them out of pain. 2. Art: By Dr Kelly Kramp THE CRUCIAL NEED FOR SPINAL EXAMINATIONS! We know that our bodies act as their own ecosystem, meaning that within each of us, we are interdependent on all the natural processes existing inside of us, which add up to making us a functioning human being. We rely on a natural chain of events to allow us to breath, walk and talk. Each process and each system inside of us are interrelated and act together to build us into a healthy human. We are greater than the sum of all our parts. When our digestive system is functioning every other cell in our body knows what is happening, when our lungs breathe, every cell in our body is aware that this is occurring, and when our heart pumps blood, our whole body is aware of it. Every part of the body is affected by every other part of the body. To demonstrate the truth of this, think of the example of an athlete performing. When they need their body to react, their muscles are told how to move, their heart rate increases, they begin to breathe quicker, and many biochemical processes occur to produce usable energy instantaneously. The available energy is dependent on the quality of food, water, and air provided. All of this happens within seconds and the whole body is aware of this occurring. We need an amazing intelligence within our bodies, which is responsible to run all of these processes simultaneously. This innate intelligence comes from our brain and nervous system, through our spine and to every part of our body, orchestrating the function of 70 trillion cells every second. In fact, to show how amazing our innate intelligence is, our brain and nervous system processes 3,000,000,000,000 (3 trillion) bits of information per second, for our whole life. This information is telling every cell in our body how to do its job and when to do it. Of all this information, we are conscious of only 50 bits per second. This means that virtually all the functions in our bodies go on without us knowing it. Just imagine now, that for some reason some of this information could not get through to the body, there was a blockage of this crucial information that sustains life. It is easy to see that health would be compromised. We would have a lowered state of health. Since the first place that this information leaves the central core of our bodies is through our spine, it becomes crucial to health and healing to allow the spine to function at 100%. If anyone has less than 100% spinal function they will have less than 100% nerve flow to their body. Since this intelligence determines the quality of our health, they will have less than 100% health. Science has shown beyond a doubt that VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATIONS block off our innate intelligence. When vertebral subluxations have existed in people for months or years without them being detected, they begin to develop many disease processes. They have a lowered state of health and they feel like their body is failing in many different ways. All types of stresses and traumas cause vertebral subluxations. With knowledge like this don't you think it is time that we let the world know that every person alive has the right to know how their spine and nervous system is functioning? People need to know that having their spine checked is a regular part of health care for everyone. 3. Philosophy: By Dr. Tricia Kucheravy Every time I have asked anyone if their health is important to them, the answer is always the same- yes! The interesting thing is what most people say and what they do may be two different things. We live in a stressful society and do not pay much attention to our health until it is in question. When the question of our health arises there are numerous pills, potions, or lotions out there that claim to make us feel better so we can continue thinking we are healthy. Many people believe pain determines whether someone is healthy or not. My question to you is when someone has high cholesterol is there pain? Are they healthy? When do people usually start feeling the pain of cancer? Isn't pain a natural healthy part of the birthing process? We have to stop looking at pain as the problem and start seeing it as a body signal that it was meant to be. My next question to you is where does your health come from? Our body has the ability to heal itself. If you cut your finger what heals it, the band aid or you? As a Chiropractor, I try to teach my patients true health comes from inside them. We need to understand how to be proactive with this process and not reactive. Here are the 5 aspects of health that everyone should focus on to maximize their health potential; proper sleep, proper nutrition, exercise/stretching, positive mental attitude, and most important is an optimal functioning nervous system. Chiropractors are experts at the function of the spine and nervous system. You may ask why the spine is so important. First it is the foundation of our body and consists of 24 movable vertebrae, a skull, and pelvis; it also protects our central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Our nervous system controls and coordinates every tissue, cell, organ in your body. It is the master system of our body that enables your brain and body to communicate 1 quadrillion bits of information per second. Stress (physical, chemical, or mental) can cause misalignments between the vertebrae of our spine (subluxations) to aggravate and diminish the communication between the brain and body. This is why our nervous system is the pivotal link in connecting together the other 4 aspects of health. In the New Year let's take a proactive role by focusing on the 5 aspects of health; it is too valuable to waste. It is important to have your spine checked by a Chiropractor for subluxations to maximize the bodies function so proper sleep, proper nutrition, exercise/stretching, and a positive mental attitude will benefit you to the fullest. 4. Politics: By Dr Shawn Bachorick Conformity in the Chiropractic Profession "If there is any one way to confess one's own mediocrity, it is the willingness to place one's work in the absolute power of a group, particularly a group of one's professional colleagues. Of any forms of tyranny, this is the worst; it is directed against a single human attribute: the mind- and against a single enemy- the innovator. The innovator, by definition, is the man who challenges the established practices of his profession. To grant a professional monopoly to any group, is to sacrifice human ability and abolish progress; to advocate such a monopoly is to confess that one has nothing to sacrifice." -Ayn Rand. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal The above quote, for me anyway, sums up the flawed thinking behind many of the calls for conformity in chiropractic education, methods, etc. While some may envision a future for the profession where mostly everyone does much the same thing, I disagree. In my opinion, such an arrangement would stifle the creative and innovative spirit which has driven this profession forward throughout its history. Think for a moment about the most commonly utilized techniques within the profession. How many were developed by symposia, conferences, or educational institutions? Compare this with the plethora of techniques developed by individuals over the years. Thompson, Gonstead, Activator, Network, CBP, and Torque Release are but a few that come to mind. The same could be said of our philosophical diversity. So long as there is a common underlying theme for the profession, individuals should have fairly free rein to express their particular interpretation of our core tenets. The main argument for standardization is that it will facilitate external acceptance by others (MD's, payors, etc.). In my opinion, that is an exceedingly poor idea. The chiropractic profession should be able to clearly state our positions and the reasons for these positions so that the benefits of our care and particular philosophy are clear. A strong principled stance which stresses holistic, drug-free wellness care will gain people's attention. Changing our basic tenets to suit whoever we are talking to shows that, worse than having controversial principles, we have no principles at all. A national organization needs to be inclusive of as many people as possible among those who share similar goals. I believe that the WCA Canada is such an organization. If you promote a wellness model of health irrespective of symptoms, stressing healthy lifestyle activities and ongoing nervous system wellness, you would be a good fit for the WCA Canada. Please Download - NEW WCA C anada Application Kent's Top 10 Reasons to Join http://www.worldchiropracticalliance.org/international/canada.ht m email: canada@worldchiropracticalliance.org