The following is an answer to an assocaite DC who is frustrated with their pay and working relationship with the owner DC. The associiate works in a sattelite office for a DC who has been prominent in the state asscoiation and national programs. The associate ses practice growth and only complaints from the owner DC: A: I appreciate your dilemma and it¼s not the first of a kind .. this is quite common. As the old adage says .. „you can¼t tell a book by its cover or it¼s not all what you think it is.¾ In other words .. many of our leaders have backgrounds which .. if others knew .. would lower their esteem level. This is human nature. As an individual stands before a crowd of their peers oozing out great advice and genius .. they themselves may be negative and make life miserable in their own court of influence. I imagine .. if you or I get something from the bright side of this person and it indirectly helps us help others then this was the purpose of the message and worth it .. not the package it came in. Fortunately .. most of us never have to deal with the dark side of these folks .. only bask in the glow. You .. unfortunately .. have to see both sides and it¼s confusing. As a business person .. this DC has many areas where money is made and lost. Each office is additional overhead. Each staff member is extreme taxes and double social security payments. Patient visit levels fluctuate but bills often don¼t. So in defense .. it is tough to see the book by its cover and really review the personal and professional debts and budget of your employer from your angle. This doesn¼t excuse poor communications skill or perception of distrust .. there is no excuse at all. If you ask this DC to spend more money for marketing without proof that it will be productive .. especially if the track record before you has been disheartening .. you may be asking too much. On the surface it only makes sense that more money begets more money .. but this often is not the case unless there is some belief that the end results will justify the means. You can approach this DC with the proposal that you get a bonus upon production and you share the marketing expense .. this may be a stretch but it places the responsibility on both shoulders. The other day a student .. very aggressive with his marketing skills .. asked my advice concerning a ergonomic proposal for local corporations. As we went over and fine tuned his program we discussed his success rate doing screenings and the like. He thought his skills were so great that he offers himself as a screener for local DC¼s with the understanding that a new examination from his screening is $100. Think about this. You are a DC in Marietta. Your office can use some new patients and this students or new DC comes to your office and proposes doing some marketing. The stipulation is $100 per new patient. Oh .. a new patient isn¼t recorded as such after a few paying visits .. nope .. if they come to your office they are worth $100 to the screener. In one hand .. you need the patients and what¼s $100 if you can convert these folks into $1000 cases. On the other hand .. $100 is steep if there is no assurance the new patient will stay. Furthermore .. $100 per person .. even if it will be successful ..can bankrupt the business if cash flow is low that month or other professional or personal bills are needed as well. So what does this all mean? Unless you walk in the same moccasin .. it is hard to determine why people act and make decisions as they do. The overall picture may be bleak for this DC .. even if you see money being made or patient visits expanding. In our office .. with managed care being a large part .. huge numbers of patient visits may not translate as a huge windfall of cash. So it¼s all an illusion .. a card trick game called business. Business begets distrust easily unless all partners understand their role. Your role is to get experience and move on. His role is to help you on your journey .. some helpers help more than others. You chose a bad one .. it may be time to move on.