Dear Colleagues and Friends, Success Principle #12 is actually number #2 of the Additional Success Principles( Always ask for referrals). I have asked at many Parker seminars around the World " Who in here asked for a referral this week or this month?". Only about 5 to 10 percent of the Chiropractors in the room raise their hands. Why Chiropractors are embarrassed or afraid to ask for referrals just baffles the mind. There is only one thing that is directly proportional to the number of new patients you schedule. I said, there is only one thing that is directly proportional to the number of new patients you schedule. That one thing is "HOW OFTEN YOU ASK". There are Direct and Indirect ways of asking for new patients. Direct is "Bring your family in to be checked". Indirect is things like advertising, yellow pages, and public talks(with no proper close). There are Direct and Indirect ways of Asking for referrals within the office. The best thing you can do to not miss those opportunities, is to train with your team on when to ask. There are times on the First, Second, and Third visit you should Always ask for referrals. There are times on Routine visits you should be asking. The Spinal Care Workshop and the follow-up reports are also good times to train yourself and your team to ask for referrals. I have attached a list of 17 times you and your staff should always ask for referrals. Please review them and study them regularly until you do them all. If you need to study the Preframe Subluxation script, the 3 part close, or study the Group report process, go to to get the scripts or the Video/ Audio set. Just look for my name under "Authors" and download the attachments. If you are anxious to study all 21 steps to a Hundred a Day in great detail, you can also get the Society of Chiropractic Masters 18 CD set from Planet Chiropractic. San Diego was a great seminar. Hope to see you in Toronto in late August( and Miami is coming up in November. LLL, Dr. Rick Wren( Founder of the Society of Chiropractic Masters and Parker Team Teacher)