From: Dr. Margolies E-mail message: Being in the Zone Wežve all heard the term „playing in the zone.ū An athlete like Michael Jordon plays the basketball court as if he owns it .. his level of comfort .. adrenalin rush .. focus .. is at its peak when he is on the court. Every opposing player is a pawn on his chess board as he weaves and jumps to the excitment of the fans and his accountant. A great pianist sits before an audience and with every agile and delicate movement of flying fingers adds life to wooden keys .. is this not true with every great individual? Is greatness within our mortal reach .. or .. is it given to others we can only watch from afar? During my three years of teaching to 14th quarter students at Life University with only weeks prior to their walking papers and professional journey .. Ižve sensed who will be the winners and who will have to work harder to reach their potential. I know who sits up and pays attention and those that would rather sleep through their most important class in years. I acknowledge those that have the need to absorb class material and ask questions either within class or during breaks and office hours. These are the searchers .. leaving their school experince assured that prior to their graduation date they leave chances aside and demand answers to the many questions that are circling within their heads. The winners, I know will have highlighted their Smart Start textbook and spent a few minutes a week visualizing implementing these practical and successful ideas Seems that when students reach this pinnacle of education they have a mindset and many have firmed up their opinions .. you know .. theyžve primed their pisiforms and are ready to go out amongst the masses. In my class each are given the tools to succeed but many stare at it and still wonder where itžs at. Some will await their fate by working as journeymen and women hoping to get a glimpse of the possibility and have others guide them .. like searching pilgrims. Some have the illusion that by spending thousands of even more borrowed dollars on post graduate programs they will be given the keys to success and then place the material they paid dearly for under their office telephone and by default itžll ring with new patients. Some have become techno terriorists .. with the belief that as a whole our profession is fraught with frauds and only their technic works therefore rather than working together we often work a part. Trust me .. Ižve encountered it all .. and from my vantage point .. Ižve decided that power (being in the zone) comes from many sources .. and that getting to the zone is a daily journey .. when it happens the gifted know it but the majority stare at it and let it just pass them by. So .. is it within reach of every person reading this e-mail? Ižve become more docile in my mature years .. more understanding since being in the training camp of a chiropractic college .. more giving to those searching for answers and those on the fringe of their personal zone. I know it is available to all. Being in the zone includes your staff. How often do you attend a seminar and walk amongst the doctors and staff and as you leave you just know that this or that group have their act together. Itžs not their external features .. size .. age .. tint of hair but itžs the collective them. They seem confident in their level of knowledge .. their ability to work the court as if they own it .. their ability to weave and jump with the variance of external factors .. such as managed care .. patient upsets .. whatever. They .. as an office .. are agile enough to play their community like the strings on a great violin .. allowing the waves of sound to flow from within giving a soothing comfort of caring to those they meet and provide their wonderful service to. They have confidence in their product .. chiropractic .. and as a team they work in harmony .. they are truly in the zone. Being in the zone .. as a journey .. requires work. I realize these e-mails go throughout the world and reaches doctors preaching from many pulpits. Some are super successful and probably find these messages redundant .. while others are either new .. floundering .. or stuck at a level of success they wish to move towards further greatness. The super successful .. whether they know it or not .. and beleive me they know it .. have to maintain their greatness with continued successful procedures and service. They cling onto those that share their vision .. they understand that the mysterious stream of success is as demanding today as it was the day they started. Those less fortunate have the gift to reach levels of success they only see within their minds eye. They need to begin with the basics .. strengthen their power base with continued belief in their knowledge .. technic .. procedures .. scripts. They must believe in themselves .. in chiropractic .. in the innate power of the body to assist them in the patientžs quest to be well. They must attract like minded people .. staff and patients .. and by doing so expect .. not hope .. that this enthusiam and strength is the draw that brings their community closer to them. The power of the zone is as close as the beat within your breast. If you look outside for an inside flame it will only delay its intensity and continuity. Being a Michael Jordan may be a stretch but being more of you than you have dreamed is possible. Start by deciding where your professional strengths are .. focus on this .. share it with others. At this point the search is over .. you are in the zone .. now enjoy the ride. Dr. M