Q: Dr. M Can you make any reccomendations for how to find business/locations that will be willing to have spinal-screenings done? Also .. How much should a budget strained DC/intern spend on consulting? Where should one go with that money, ie. A: Thanks for your e-mail. Unfortunately the curriculum in chiropractic school lacks sound business classes .. how to market and prosper a new practice. I taught a class like this for four years at Life Ubniversity here in Atlanta and my text Smart Start is like a bible to many. I recommend you request your school's library send a request for my books on their letterhead via fax 770-491-3799 and I'll send a copy. Also .. I didn't find your e-mail address amongst the over 4500 DC's I send a weekly e-mail to in 30 countries .. so I'll add you and the next e-mail you receive will be a welcome newsletter getting you up to speed. Please let others in your class know about these e-mails .. possibly have students with an e-mail address print clearly their addresses on a sheet of paper and fax it to me so i can get them on board. As far as your questions .. once you choose the area you wish to practice you must create a marketing farm .. 5-10 miles around your clinic. The demographics of retail .. residential .. clerical ..labor are areas you'll be marketing to and screenings are just a piece of this puzzle. Once you map out the area .. you begin a campaign of contacting these places and determine which Community Outreach Program they desire .. is it postural/stress screening .. ergonomic and wellness workshops .. safety programs and much more. Therefore .. it is dificult for me to give you a specific answer to your question about screenings until you do your homework. For practice determine the demograhic marketing farm around your school or where you live and begin creating a data bank of places within this area .. As far as your question concerning a consultant .. it is a shame you have to allocate money for a professional consultant after the vast loans that students take while they study. But .. since you aksed my answer will be very conservative. In the west you'll find Parker and Karl Parker seminars occasionally in Las Vegas. There are seminar and consultant leaders in the California area .. it all depends on how you wish to practice. Some consultants focus of the philosophical aspects od chiropractic and les on therapy and others the reverse. This has no bearing with me but will make a difference on how you'll implement the programs. Check my webpage under weblinks and you'll find some consultants webpages. Remember .. many of these seminars offer freee or reduced fees for the first seminar .. they may wish to "sign you up" but just keep searching from seminar to seminar until you feel comfortable with the message. The fees of traveling adds up so have a strict budget. I recommend you purchase my Smart Start Book for sure. I assist Dr. Pete Fernandez with classes during his seminars and he has a very successful Practice Starters Program .. the only problem for you is they have seminars only in Atlanta .. although DC's come from all over. When you graduate you can alsways come as my guest for free . so it may save you the airfare. I hope this helps