Shared by Dr. Wren ( ten qualities to place into the Chiropractic office. #1 Vision. What is your vision for Chiropractic in your office? Is the waiting line over the horizon? Is it World Wide? If you adjusted your patients as quickly as family, you could easily see 100 per day in most cases. #2 Strategy. You have to have a plan to accomplish your vision. That is why everyone needs Mentors( like you find at Parker Seminars). #3 Priorities. You stay on task. If your hobbies or interests require daily thoughts, they distract you from your vision. Some Chiropractors vision to shoot ten less strokes is stronger than their Chiropractic Vision. Guess where they have more successes. #4 Action. You have to take action. Don't just talk about it. So many times I call Chiropractors after a Seminar and their doing nothing different. "Insanity" is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. #5 Risk. You will have to step out of your comfort zone to reach your vision. If you get Butterflies in your gut everyday you will reach your vision much faster. #6 Truth. There are Truths you can not change or deny. For example, The more you talk Chiropractic the more patients you will see. The doctor has to be truthful and always willing to confront. For example, Patients usually need more care than their HMO will pay for so tell them what they really need. #7 Flexibility. You have to be flexible to reach your vision, but you tell the truth. Be flexible, but confront when necessary. Be willing to make changes in your plan to improve. #8 Self-Management. Be self disciplined. Make yourself do the things that losers do not want to do. Such as,be on time,do your reports,and exercise regularly. #9 Passion. Be Passionate about your vision. Get mad that Harvard Medical School says that 210,000 people die each year from medicine. Get teary eyed when you change someone's life through Chiropractic. #10 Nucleus. Surround yourself with a nucleus of people that are passion based. That's why I love going to Parker Seminars. I love being around people that love what I love. It is time to ask yourself, am I a Chiropractic Warrior or a chiropractic wienie? There is something we can do everyday to become a Chiropractic Warrior. The question is are you willing to do the things that Losers do not want to do. Dr. Rick Wren(Founder of Society of Chiropractic Masters).