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Set aside the same time each week for your meetings ... a time when you will not be interrupted by patient visits or telephone calls ? a time when patients expect you to be closed, i.e., before or after regular hours or during lunch. Some doctors like to coordinate their staff meetings with a staff lunch. If you do this, make sure your meeting is conducted either before or after you eat and not during. If you are in a restaurant, enjoy the ambience and your staff in a social way for the occasion that it is. If you have a private room in the restaurant, you can conduct the business of your staff meeting after your meal. Otherwise, plan on returning to the office to have your meeting. Having the total and complete attention of each staff member will maximize the productiveness of your staff meeting ? so, don't allow distracters like food to get in the way. Who is in Charge? The doctor always conducts the staff meeting. This places the authority where it belongs ? with the doctor. What Is the Purpose? A staff meeting is like having a regular tune-up on your car, a virus clean up on your computer, a timeout during a basketball game, a work- training seminar and pep rally all at the same time. In other words, a staff meeting is to improve performance, fix problems, define goals, motivate, train staff, and give praise and recognition. That pretty much sums up the purpose of a staff meeting. What is the Agenda? All staff meetings should follow an agenda that the doctor prepares ahead of time. I used the following template in preparing the agenda for each of my staff meetings: 1. A 15-minute training session. (The CA who the doctor assigned a specific topic from the CA manual the previous week gives this.) 2. Review of last week's goals and results. Individuals are recognized and praised for their efforts and accomplishments. (Statistics are charted/graphed.) 3. This week's goals are defined. (This is lead by the doctor who involves the staff with questions on what they will do to assist in accomplishing the goals.) 4. Challenges or areas where improvement is needed. (The doctor shares his thoughts and asks the staff for their input.) 5. Discussion of new patients. (The doctor briefly explains the importance of their care.) 6. Discussion of any problem patients and how to handle them. 7. Review, update and follow up on assignments given and still in progress. (PAD, marketing, letter campaigns, etc.) 8. Suggestions that could help us improve on what we do. (Every staff member is encouraged to participate.) 9. Doctor's assignment of next week's training topic. 10. A "Pump Them Up" message from the doctor. Staff meetings should not take longer than a half hour each week and this is easily accomplished by following a well-prepared agenda. However, from time to time you may have certain projects that will require you to meet more than once a week. What Are The Benefits? Lack of communication plants the seeds of mistrust and negativity about what the other person might be thinking or the intent of his/her actions. Conducting properly planned staff meetings on a regular basis is one of the most effective ways to communicate with staff and to instill a positive team spirit. A staff meeting communicates purpose, goals, achievements and plans. It's a time for the doctor to give direction, train and motivate. It is a time to gather up the troops, and to create and maintain a productive synergy amongst your entire staff. A staff meeting is where the doctor gives and receives feedback. It is where "true north" begins in your practice ? driving it to the highest level of success you want. Go to www.MBAchiropractic.com to learn more about the MBA way to developing an efficient and profitable practice. FREE ACCESS to demos from some of the country's foremost experts on building successful chiropractic practices. Sincerely, Dr. Peter Fernandez, DC and Thomas E. Cavanaugh, DC, MBA st˜ B*OJQJ5Ynq¥›EçŒ!d´• !g‚•8~Ÿ S ›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››5Ynq¥›EçŒ!d´• !g‚•8~Ÿ S ñ ð œ C á Õ ¯ š   P  Å ó ô · ) r ¼ . 0 E G ç Œ ž — <‡›!e´« DÜ£“'\§Ã46}¿24LNí¤$i±ž<Çãç²<>ÅŠeS ñ ð œ C á Õ ¯ š   P  Å ó ô · ) r ¼ . 0 E G ç Œ ž — ›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››— <‡›!e´« DÜ£“'\§Ã46}¿24LNí¤›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››¤$i±ž<Çãç²<>ÅŠ'*68rt›››››››››››››››››››››Š'*68rtƒ­/ ƒý=!ƒ"ƒ#êÝ$êÝ%ƒ [4@Ò4NormalCJOJPJQJmH <A@Ú°<Default Paragraph Fontt&   ¿t@Et S — ¤t Št|Uv4¥µº¸›œ EFHcçéë°¹rvJoel Margolies$Margolies:Desktop Folder:March 200wwJoel Margolies'Margolies:Desktop Folder:www:staffm.txt@ÄhX @tP@GêTimes New Roman5êÄSymbol3ê Arial5ê Geneva3êTimes"1à­h"Z§F"Z§F­ "$€¿¥¥Ä0¾ŸMarch 2006, #57Joel MargoliesJoel Margoliesœ ýÖüÚ˜Oh´ë+'„0làꮥÃÿË   ( 4 @LT\d'March 2006, #57arcJoel MargoliesoelNormalrJoel Margolies2elMicrosoft Word 8.0d@Fˆ#@l\5d]@l\5d]­ œ ¹Õ¹ú.ìó+,˜ÆD¹Õ¹ú.ìó+,˜Æ<¯ hp|Ñåî ú§¨¥ º ÿ'h "¾b March 2006, #57 Titleò 6> _PID_GUID'AN{F66E7F82-C6E8-11DA-9CED-0005028B8DD8} œœ !"#œ%&'()*+œ›.œœœRoot Entry ¿FÄ®„B]0Ä1TableWordDocument&SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8$CompObjXObjectPoolÄ®„B]Ä®„B]œœ ¿FMicrosoft Word DocumentœNB6WWord.Document.8