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E-mail broadcasting functionality 4. Non-provocative testing...and more! ___________________________________ FOR YOUR PATIENTS | a free article for your office Crouching Tiger, Chiropractic Dragon For chiropractor and karate champion Daniel Buchmann, the union of martial arts and healing art is a winning combination. When Daniel Buchmann, three-time world champion of the North American Sport Karate Association (NASKA), hurt his back and hip in the middle of a tournament nine years ago, he never imagined his recovery would be so easy. The injury occurred when Buchmann lost his balance backing away from an opponent and fell into a chair beside the ring; at that moment he barely had enough strength to walk away, defeated. But two days after chiropractic treatment for the injury -- his first-ever visit to a chiropractor -- Buchmann says he was able to walk without pain. After three days, he could even perform one of his strenuous high kicks. At the time, Buchmann was also completing his bachelor's degree in physical education and planning to pursue a master's in sports management. But after experiencing the profound positive effect of chiropractic, he decided to follow a different career path. For the full story, click on the following URL or copy it and paste it into your browser's address bar: http://chiroclinix.com/nl/cvp/2001_03_12_karate.html ____________________________________ ONLY 9% SHOW ALLEGIANCE TO COLLEGE Dynamic Chiropractic recently completed a survey where approximately 336 chiropractors were given four options when responding to the question "To which do you have the greatest allegiance?" Although the sample of respondents is small, I believe it to be accurate. Here were the results: 1. State Association - 43% 2. National Association - 27% 3. Other Association - 21% 4. College - 9% I mention this survey because during the past several months, I visited many of the colleges in order to learn firsthand what was going on and to better understand the direction being taken. I also wanted to listen to each president as they described their vision and hopes for their college and for the future of chiropractic. I had the opportunity to ask many questions and apparently they were comfortable providing frank and honest answers. They included William Dallas, DC - WSCC, James Winterstein, DC, DABCR - NUHS, Shelby Elliott, DC - TCC, George Goodwin, DC - Logan, Frank Nicchi, DC - NYCC, Frank Zolli, DC - Bridgeport, and Gary Schultz, DC, Dean - SCUHS. I will be visiting Fabrizio Mancini, DC with Parker this month and hope to spend time at the remaining colleges in the months ahead. Although as anticipated, several colleges have differences in vision and direction, what is consistent is the leadership and administration are incredibly talented and committed to improving the educational experience and in advancing this extraordinary profession. During my visit, as Chiroclinix director of community relations and ChiroView Presents editor, I also wanted to discuss 1] how the Internet will have a profound impact on educating the general public on the benefits of chiropractic, and 2] how the many web-based tools could assist their clinics, interns and alumni in attracting and retaining new and established patients. I discussed with them the results of this recent poll where only 9% of respondents showed allegiance to their colleges. Many presidents expressed a commitment to changing this. As a result, I also suggested several simple ways they could go about reconnecting to alumni. ___________________________________ So Here Is ChiroView Presents Question -Of -The -Month... Why do you think only 9% of respondents to this recent Dynamic Chiropractic survey have an allegiance to their college and what do you believe the colleges need to do to increase that percentage? ___________________________________ POSITION ON DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND Gary Bustin. DC, DABCR gbustin@aol.com The following position statements come from the American College of Radiology (MD's) and the American Chiropractic College Of Radiology (DACBR's). I have talked to many sonography technicians working in hospitals and they are very negative on sonography of the spine because of the tremendous artifacts created over bony prominences. The following position statements are accepted by the ACA, AMA, hospitals, imaging centers, medical, osteopathic and chiropractic radiologists, and sonography technicians I know there are proponents of spinal sonography, but they exist outside of these professional organizations and are for profit. American College of Radiology (ACR) - "The use of diagnostic spinal ultrasound in the evaluation of pain or radiculopathy syndrome (facet joints and capsules, nerve and fascial edema, and other subtle paraspinous abnormalities) currently has no proven clinical utility as a screening, diagnostic or adjunctive imaging tool." American Chiropractic College of Radiology (ACCR) - "Diagnostic ultrasound has been shown to be a useful modality for evaluating certain musculoskeletal complaints. Fetal, pediatric and intra-operative applications have been published in the scientific literature. The quality of ultrasound images is extremely dependent on operator skill. The resolution abilities of the equipment may have an impact on diagnostic yield, and accuracy. Consequently, the importance of training to establish technologic, as well as interpretive competency cannot be understated. The application of diagnostic ultrasound in the adult spine in areas such as disc herniation, spinal stenosis and nerve root pathology is inadequately studied and its routine application for these purposes cannot be supported by the evidence at this time." I hope this information is useful. I recommend you do a Medline search on spinalsonography and see for yourself. _______________________________ USE THE WEB TO REACH A YOUNGER MARKET Jarrod Goldinís Weekly Internet Tip #5 CVP Department Head - Chiropractic On The Internet http://practice.chiroclinix.com/visitor/chiroview.jhtml Kids rule the world -- at least, the World Wide Web. According to new statistics from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, there are 104 million Americans on the Internet. Most interesting, however, are the demographics. The online population is the inverse of the real population, as technically confident youngsters run rampant while parents and grandparents are still learning to email. Scary? It depends on your age. But it does mean that for the first time you can reach a young market directly, efficiently and effectively. Pew reports that 73% of Americans between 12 and 17 have Internet access, while 75% of those between 18 and 29 are online. Use drops off as age increases, however, and just 15% of those over 65 have access. With that in mind, think about your typical marketing ventures, such as newspaper advertisements and direct mailings. The people youíre most likely to reach with these are adults. But what about youngsters who need care and donít know about chiropractic? What about high-school students, for example, who donít know that chiropractic can improve their performance? With the Internet, you can reach them. With a good Web site you can attract them. With solid content you can educate them -- they may not read a booklet, but they will probably read online. And remember that they wonít be young forever. Soon theyíll be adults who grew up with the Internet, are comfortable with the technology and want their health-care practitioners to be online. Knowing this, do your best to get in early. 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