Q: I have one question for you: my patients love what I have done for them, they know I want to help more people (I tell them with a smile), why do I not have more referrals? Why do I worry about making the rent? Why do my 'adoring' patients not send me their loved ones? ALL DC's should have line-ups outside their offices - and yet, some deliver for UPS, some sell real-estate on the side.... Thanks for the e-mail .. as far as practice management and getting referrals and having DC's being the best they can be .. it is a difficult answer to give in one e-mail. A: Usually the block to a practice or a profession is the person involved. A number of doctors get pumped up during seminars and meetings either at Parker .. DE .. New Beginnings or via a personal consultant .. the need to affirm and reaffirm the purpose of chiropractic is always necessary. Others find their strength in a specific technic .. and hone their skills as sharp as possible and feel they can raise the dead with their new power .. this is just as powerful. Orhers get their strength to carry on because they have a survivor mentality .. they neeed to always be on the verge before they get their ass in gear and go out and tell the story with conviction and without compromise .. this is also importsnt. But .. a combination of enthusiasm .. technical prowess .. and determination really makes the difference between those that have and those that wish they did. I have a place on my webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/~chirosmart called Practice Tips and Cyberconsulting .. with hotmail you cannot reach my webpage .. but you can pay a nominal fee at a Kinkos .. use their computers and copy some of the ideas there onto disk and read them at your leisure when you get back to your home or office computer .. these ideas may stimulate your referrals and practice growth. I also have all my previous e-mails listed there and some are titled referrals. We have so much to offer the public that nothing should stand inthe way .. I try my best to get message across to my students .. some listen but many do not .. Have a Great Day Dr. M By the way .. never hesitate to ask me any specific questions .. you are as far as your keyborad for .. at least ..my answers. Oh .. as far as referrals .. start with surveys .. I think thjis willbe the title of next week's e-mails .. if you have a fax machine .. I'll fax you one and you can use it next day to get your patients in gear. If you own my Smart Start Book .. use the Ten day Report survey and some of the others to stimulate patient interest in referrals and workshops.