BACK TALK SYSTEMS, INC. 14998 W. 6th Avenue, Suite E-500 Golden, CO USA 80904-5025 USA 1/800/937-3113 CANADA 1/800/461-0100 UNITED KINGDOM 44(0)1202-534-986 AUSTRALIA 1/800-800-963 Team Tip #54 REACTIVATIONS (part II) by Susan Hoy UTILIZE THE UNIVERSE: I don't know why this works, or how this works, but I do know that it does work! Have you ever thought about someone and suddenly that day they call you or you run into them somewhere? I think we all have had this experience and the more we are open to it, the more it happens! Therefore, one of our most effective reactivation methods is utilizing that universal concept. Here's how we use it. On a regular basis I go through our active files and pull out patient files that have been inactive for six months. As they are pulled, I make sure that I look at each name and consciously think about them. Some of them I choose to call personally to inquire about their health, some I give to my doctor because I know he will want to call them, and some I just file away in our inactive file cabinet. My staff laughs at me, but they know it works. Suddenly, those patients are calling to make an appointment. It is always awe inspiring that it happens, but it does. Before filing the inactive files away, however, go over each name at your next staff meeting. Mention each patient's name and his or her particular problem. Some staff members will feel comfortable enough to call them and inquire about their health. You see, I do not believe any patient should be called unless it is from genuine concern. Calling a previous patient who inspires no particular feelings probably will not be effective. Once you have done all of these things, make a list of the patients who respond by making an appointment. If you have done your job from the correct motives, you will be amazed at the results. The universe works in strange ways. CONCERN CALLS AND INFORMATIONAL CALLS: Take the opportunity to contact your patients for any legitimate reason you can think of. Following are some of the reasons for a phone call: If you notice your patient has a credit balance, contact him and advise him of his credit. The script should go like this: "Hi Mr. Smith, this is Susan from ____________ Chiropractic. How are you doing? I have good news. The reason I'm calling is that I was just going over our accounts and I noticed that you have a credit balance with us. I noticed that you haven't been here in a while and I was wondering how you would like me to handle it. You could make an appointment to use it for an adjustment, or would you like me to hold on to it for when you do come in. Otherwise, I will be happy to issue a check and send it to you. After all, it is your money, not ours." I like to do this at the beginning of every month and I am always amazed how many patients say, "Hi Susan, I was just thinking about you all. How about if I make an appointment because I really need to he adjusted." Or, they will say, "Hi Susan, why don't you just leave it, I'll use it the next time I come in. " I will then say, "Why don't you schedule an appointment right now?" If they say no, I then ask, "Would you like me to call you in a week or so? That way you won't have to remember to call us?" If the patient isn't available when I call to let him know he has a credit balance, I leave the following message, "Hello Mr. Smith, this is Susan from _____________ Chiropractic. I have great news for you. I was going over our accounts and noticed that you have a credit balance with us. That means that we owe you money! Would you please call me back to let me know how I should handle this. If you want me to send it to you, I need to verify your address." Patients will usually call you back within the hour! I never hesitate to contact them at work for this very legitimate cause and they always appreciate it. Even if they request that I issue a check for the credit, I am given the opportunity to speak with them in a very positive manner and am able to ascertain if they want to be considered for future phone calls. Always ask them if they would like you to call and remind them of their need for an adjustment. ON THE ROAD AGAIN: Recently, I had the pleasure of being invited to the office of Dr. Frank and Dr. Tim Kosterman, in Clinton, North Carolina. I spent an entire week there, helping with staff training and organization. As usual, when I visit other offices, I learn more than I teach. This week was no exception. Credit must be given for great leadership from both chiropractors. I had the feeling that the entire staff was considered a valuable asset to the practice, as evidenced by Dr. Tim inviting me all the way from Philadelphia to help! This office definitely believes that spending time and money on staff training is a very worthwhile endeavor. Additionally, Dr. Tim lets the team members know that they are valuable and will give them as much time as they need for additional help and guidance. There were open lines of communication to solve team problems or patient problems. Dr. Tim readily admits it took him time to be a good leader and has learned from his mistakes in the past. It is because of this concern for the team that they are building a great practice! I'm very proud of Kosterman Chiropractic because the correct intentions and motives are in place and at work. I am proud to be of assistance to such a great office that passionately believes in chiropractic. You may order our new TEAM TRAINING AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT MANUAL package, from which this article is taken, by calling 800/937-3113 today.