Q: Hi Dr. Margolies, I practice in a very rural town which is focused primarily on general health care. We see some PI/WC and because a lot of our patients are poor/disabled, we see a lot of Medicaid & Medicare. The patients (esp. the women) are very poor and for the most part, many of them are barely high school graduates. We have tailored our talks with them to the most basic of language, we use a lot of visual aids. But, what I wanted to ask you was this. I am interested in doing an outreach program for domestic abuse / rape survivors. I am the only woman in our group, and we have no staff to speak of, although I do have people that we use to help with marketing. Do you have any ideas on how to approach this? The people here are for the most part illiterate, so a lot of the brochures/written material is lost. If you are so inclined and have the time, can you email me back with your thoughts. Thank you in advance for any insight you may have. A: Thanks for your e-mail. First off .. marketing is marketing no matter the size of the city .. just has to be tailored for your specific demographic farm. If you have my Smart Start Book find it and dust it off and begin from the beginning reviewing the second half of each chapter for some marketing ideas. Obviously the material may have to be adjusted to accommodate the limited patient base with income but with very creative cash or wellness plans you can do well. As far as creating a women¼s abuse outreach program you should first start with the county and state women¼s abuse and rape programs and hotlines. They may guide you with either written material and/or staff support. If they have neither but appreciate your concern see if you can form a county chapter and find some special patients to assist getting it off the ground. You can possibly start a ground floor effort. See if you can get some local newspaper and radio/TV folks aware of your efforts and possibly help you spearhead the program from your office and/or county/city center or church. Using patients or a women¼s civic or church group to assist you will be a win-win .. win for your office exposing new people to your office with some meetings and helping those who need the help the most. I am sure there is a state outreach association if not in the county .. if for some strange reason there is none .. there for sure is a national group that may welcome your idea to start an outreach program in your small town. Check the web for some advice or the local library. Remember .. get some patients involved possibly as a barter service .. you adjust them and they work with you a few hours. This is the best advice I can offer you today unless you have some specific questions. Have a Great Day and Good Luck Dr. M