From: Dr. Margolies Since the purpose of these timely e-mails is to keep in touch with those that took my 14th quarter class at Life University ...that¼s right, Life College has recently been granted University status with a Ph.d program in Sports Health Science, as well as those folks who have purchased my Smart Start books at various vendors throughout the land ....... This is also a method of sharing .. both from me to you as well as from you to me .. to me to you ... if you know what I mean. The other day a recent student and graduate wrote an e-mail letter for some friendly advice. Seems she is in the land of limbo .. awaiting the boards and without a license cannot function as a full fledged DC. She canvased her area of local chiropractors and asked to be an assistant of some form .. exam doctor, etc. Seems the DC¼s in her area have no vision as to the purpose of chiropractic, or she did not get her message across to them ... they didn¼t wish to expand their office with new patients. Nonetheless, as I tell my class at Life, there are too many people for us to serve who haven¼t been served and have no clue as to why they and those they know need and require chiropractic care. It is my opinion that we need to get out there .. on your own .. not as an associate .. although reality dictates that associate apprenticeship is the norm. Therefore, rather than being an exam doctor .. be a case manager ..internal PR .. or an Marketing maven ready and willing to cross the line and your comfort zone of confrontation and tell the story of chiropractic. Remember Johnny Appleseed had a vision. He took with him a handful of apple seeds and looked across the land. Claiming his „farm¾ he staked out the area to plant his seeds, nurture the soil and let nature take its course. The end result were bumber crops of apples .. orchards and orchards .. as far as the eye can see. Can you visualize this within your office „farm.¾ Have you begun planting your Springtime seeds? .. do you expect a bumper harvest of new and maintenance patients? .. are you willing to beat the trenches or train someone to do it for you .. not for you .. but for your community? I think you have to sit quietly and determine your level of stress .. your level of confrontational tolerance .. your level of purpose. Discuss within yourself and to those who will be responsible with you where your energy lies .. what you need to do to extend it a bit further ... where the gaps are in office procedures and follow through .. when will it be time to open the faucet and let those who need you entry to get in smootly .. lovingly .. and with knowledge that they too have a purpose for the wellness of others .. also .. where you can receive the message and keep your eternal flame from flickering .. such as DE. This is difficult if you have your cup overflowing with garbage and waste. Trim down the grap that takes energy from you ... I¼m not talking about your social life .. but your practice life .. with enough time put in there for fooling around. Spend that private time looking for the gaps .. where you are losing patients .. where you are losing precious quality patient or staff time .. when patients drop out or stop communicating .. get these lines tightened and fish for more. Anyway ... getting back to this new DC awaiting hr boards .. I recommend to the students that they hire themselves, prior to getting a license and of course thereafter .. to be a PR intern .. for the lack of a better term. Here was my advice: Think through the PR ideas I explained in class. If your local DC's are complacent with their level of practice .. all the better for you. The stuff in the book, is universal and with a little fine tuning .. can be used and adapted by all. I recommend you find one DC with vision .. call a few offices and speak with the CA and say: "Hi, I just gradauted from Life College in and I'm awaiting the state board exam. In the meantime, I'm willing to be a Marketing and Public Relations Asssitant for the doctor as well as an internal case manager with your patients. Do you feel that the doctor would welcome this or is he/she happy with the level of his/her practice now?¾ Now, get the tone right, practice saying it in front of the mirror a few times and play with the script. The purpose and essence is to have the CA .. or the DC .. realize that you are serious about making this a postive experince for both, as well as providing you with a great experince to make it happen. If this is not possible don't despair ... look through the book, create surveys and forms to your liking. Create twelve newsletters concerning ergonomics and wellness .. establish the mind set necessary to start a practice ... this is nothing more than practicing the scripts of the consultation .. brain/body .. discuss $ options .. create a community health network .. etc. Listen ... the fact that you are taking the time to write me and question me is GREAT .. and you're way ahead of the others. Now is the time to get the Smart Start book out. Create awareness by reviewing each chapter .. at least the second half which focuses on Marketing. Prepare what you feel comfortable doing ... surveys, meetings .. alliances .. in other words hire yourself as a PR person for a DC. The only way this will work is to present to them a program .. a Strategic Plan to get new patients. For example: Monday 9-12 ... create Community Health Networks Tuesday 9-12 ... Survey community (farm area) for workshops internal/external Wednesday (full day) in-office management of patients .. education/workshop Thursday 9-12 ... create alliances with attorneys, others Friday 9-12 ... screenings throughout the farm Have a fee structure. Each patient coming in is worth $25 if they become a patient. Each workshop $25 .. each allinace $25. In other words present a package that would be advantegous to the field DC .. one that will not be too costly for them unless it's a win for all. If you are enthusaistic you will be paid well .. also you¼ll get the cobwebs out of your own methods to create an office. This is the key to your successful future. Being an exam doctor is less important than what I present above. I hope I have helped. I realize it is difficult now, but this may be the time to sit back, close your eyes, look through each quarter of classes and determine if you wish to survive and thrive or flounder and die on the vine. You have the skills, the fact that you e-mailed me ... means you have the desire .. now gather the will to sink or swim .. there are too many people that need our attention and the competition between us DC's are sparse at best .. considering that only 7% of the public see chiropractors. Forget about the the 7% ... go after the 93%. I nother words .. get that license .. get your act together now .. and go for it. You field DC¼s with years of experince look for new recruits ready to go out and tell the story. If you need someone .. let me know I¼ll pass it on to my students now and those on line. Get enthusiastic and turn on the power. If this sounds foreign to you ... let loose and all else will follow. Also, if you have read our previous e-mail concerning the Philosophy night with Dr. Bob Hoffman of Oyster Bay, New York, you missed a good one. Let me know and I¼ll send it to you. He has a great service .. a clipping service of news concerning healthcare .. chiropractic and the science that makes us achieve the results we do and some of the failures that the alliopaths do. I am sending the following as a service to share with you his program. He has a "Quarterly Trends Update Service." These articles are used for internaland external marketing. The articles, quotes, and statistics make it easy to empower your staff on a regular basis, and to educate your patients. He states „I get new patients every week from the articles. I currently have hundreds of DC's subscribing to this service for $32.95 a quarter. In addition, at the end of each year, I create my best of the year book of articles. I call them " Making Chiropractic Part of Your Lifestyle" They become presentation manuals for the office, for new patients, for outside lectures, etc. They sell for $119 each, or any two for $189, and all three for $239.¾ His office number is 1 800 POWER 91 Dr. M