From: Dr. Margolies Our Purpose: We have a great obligation .. handed to us by those before us and by a power far greater than any of us. This obligation to assist in increasing the flow of intelligence .. the guidance system .. that allows us to be at our peak physical and spirtual potential. The Subluxation inhibits this free flow of energy and therefore stifles this potential given to us at birth. Chiropractors and their staff are obligated to look beyond office hours; insurance hassels; patient needs and wants, and view the reality of the problem ..the Predicament of our Species .. we are in trouble ... the human race is crying for help .. we are all imprisoned in a mesh of medical intervention ... pharmaceutical marketing and fear. We must tell the story, provide the adjustment and let all else follow. Create community awareness and keep those that take part in our journey of more as ... Your Goal ... Your Mission ... Your Committment! Success Will Always Be Yours! By reading this you have entered within a sacred trust. Eons ago from a jell of cells into a world of constant motion and growth .. randomness held together by a universal intelligence .. with universal forces .. universal matter .. imbued within us an Innate desire to be more. By reading this you now have a mission to feel for the desires of others .. to assist in their constant battle to reduce interference to this innate intelligence .. an interference we call a Subluxation .. a blight on our spirit and physical being. You have entered a world stifled by ignorance greed .. and by an ever present need to reduce this physical interference to life expression itself. This mission is beyond a 9-5 work routine. It is beyond a paycheck and a hard days work. It transcends beyond the frustration of paperwork and ignorance of others. It is a purposeful mission, a commitment to seek a further and higher plane of consciousness. A goal to reach for all .. a life of wellness and health. By reading this you廝e taking part in this greater goal of helping others seek this higher plane of being and educating them as you are now. In so doing they in turn will educate others. This is your mission, your goal, and your commitment. This mission is a team effort. The doctor, staff and patient廣 all have a role. If you feel stifled in your quest to assist others determine where the blockage is. Others depend on it! If your office doesn廠 have an active referral program .. educational programs .. community services .. outreach programs .. you are failing at your mission. Can the doctor do it his/herself? No. Can the staff be responsible only? No. Can the patient廣 be asked to help your practice grow without feeling their personal commitment? NO. Therefore, all have a role .. a healthy network of helping themselves, their family and friends. The doctor is trained to locate and remove/mange the subluxation. The staff is trained and committed to contain a well oiled office with trust, compassion and purpose. The patient, once told the chiropractic story may take the challenge as a personal goal to assist us in helping others. Therefore, each person is a component .. no more or less than the other. A doctor with no commitment and purpose is a ship without a rudder. An office staff not committed to the purpose and goals of chiropractic will bring down this ship before the next wind. An office with patient廣 coming and going .. never understanding why .. is an office unanchored and they are no better than your failed efforts. Each office stands alone .. although we depend on each other. Each patient depends on their doctor and staff to guide them back to health and help them help others. They too stand alone .. but those that are dear to them depend on them as well. The message never changes ... Life and Health - vs - Sickness and Disease. Anatomy, physiology and pathology books are always being updated .. but the body has already been written. It doesn廠 need updating .. just no interference and proper maintenance. Public Relations is the sharing of ideas. This is a time honored method of sharing news. Whether it be behind a pulpit; in front of a class of students; in the union hall, or across the table with family, we are always trying share. As a doctor, chiropractic assistant, allied staff member, wife or husband, our message is clear, scientifically sound and of the utmost importnace to others. Challenges placed before you should be viewed as a means to toughen your resolve. The means will justify the ends .. stick to your purpose .. and alight the flame.