Q: Dear Dr. Your nibble or gobble posting came in a nick of time for us. We are in 1585 sq. foot at $1585 per month rent, seeing between 100-120 per week, and collecting about 20-25K per month. Debating whether or not to buy a 2850 sq. building for 400K. It would cost about 3500 per month mortgage, but maybe biting off more than we can chew... Your posting has made me decide to stay put and keep the overhead low. Low overhead is key at this time of managed care hitting hard. You are an inspiration to all. Thank you for all you do... A: Thanks for your e-mail. It really interests me how my weekly e-mails affect different people at different times. I write these e-mails off the cuff on Thursday and usually about topics that peek my interest and often about topics I need to hear myself. I'm so glad you picked up on the message from last week. I'm a great fan of Greg Stanley of Whitehall Management. He has always said to profit and accumulate. Spending more for more and receiving less for it usually doesn't fit this profile. Obviously you may fill the void and increase income but just as true you'll increase overhead and profit less. Your decision was based on a mixture of gut feelings and sound sense. I recommend you spend the additional income that would have been spent on the increase of rent and creating a new office be used to promote or make your present office more efficient. Possibly hire a PR person or delegate certain times for both of you to do more outside and internal promotions .. for sure you can squeeze more out of every inch you presently have and accumulate and profit more.