Q: I have a cash practice. I average 20 new patients a month. (for past 3 years, till present) On my current evaluation, I need 50 new patients a month to make a profit. I have a bit of a problem with following through with my plans to the end. The plans seems to break down in the middle. I have a great deal of potential and have a good success rate in getting my patients well. What do you think? A: Thanks for the e-mail .. your dilemma of not following through is universal which is also true for the solution. Although this may sound simple .. you must approach success with a master plan .. a strategic plan of goals and action steps. For example .. you say you see 20 new patients a month .. that's five new ones a week .. if you had a master plan to get referrals from these five per week you may add an extra two per week on average. If you had a plan to see these patients for a specific "correction" period ..over a few months .. with financial arrangements and all .. this would increase your patient visit average (dividing your total visits with the number of new patients over a given time) and add income and volume. Also .. if you had a strategic plan for marketing (not advertising) both internally and externally (you literally have a gold mine where you are) you would boost your numbers with some effort. No one says it would be easy .. for sure it is not easy here in the states .. insurance has dwindled .. managed care have kept DC's out and give less to those who are invited in .. so working your success is truly universal The key is follow through and persistence. If you wish me to assist you .. you need to do some homework. E-mail me the following: where your new patients come from what kind of work do the last 20 patients do (if you don't know find out) what area do you live in .. is there factories .. retail stores .. residential communities .. clerical facilities .. office parks what programs have you implemented in the past six months to promote your practice from the inside and out (don't tell me no one does these things ..as that is exactly why you should .. tastefully and ethically) what your fees are per adjustment .. how people pay .. what other DC's are doing about fees and plans you have for individuals and families what alliances do you have with local businesses or civic organizations Do your homework and we'll go over it together In the meantime .. visit my webpage: http://www.mindspring.com/~chirosmart and check out Practice Tips and Cyberconsulting .. copy and use many of the programs there Have a Great Day Dr. M