VOLUME PRACTICE SEMINAR Notes Dr. Tom Morgan (VolumeDC@aol.com) 9-28-02 Session I. VP Success Philosophy HOW TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE Principle #1. Be a person on a mission! - enthused, knowledgeable, dedicated, focused, on track, and ready to do whatever it takes to succeed in your mission. Principle #2. You must become another person - the one you envision today. It is not so much the type of person you are, but rather that you realize that you are on a mission, charged with emotions, great adjusting skill, even bearing a sacred feeling about your need to touch your family/patients/community/world with chiropracTIC. Principle #3. You must create a ChiropracTIC Movement. I heard a minister of one of the largest churches in LA, say he did not believe in the LJC ( Lord Jesus Christ) until he studied his disciples. When this minister examined their selfless attitudes and lives though, he began to realize that each one knew that he would be martyred, yet individually decided that the future of all peoples, and the impact for eternity counted more than any self motivation or self needs. Each one also individually decided that despite all odds - he would do whatever he could in his lifetime to see the Christian movement changed the world. In another venue, (the Health - not sickness - Movement) is the real reason God gave chiropracTIC to the world. For over a 100 years, it has been the chiropracTORS who have gone before us, who believed like we believe, practiced like we practice, and wanted to make an impact on the world, that have brought us and our profession to the point in history we enjoy today. Principle #4. It is our faith in innate, our adjustment, and our office systems that keeps us focused and gaining momentum in practice. "Keep the faith". INNATE: Innate is the word we use in TIC to discuss healing. We use it to put a handle on the power, intelligence and control mechanisms responsible for maintaining health inside each patient. It is the power that responds to our adjustments. When we study physiology, we say "innate" instead of "nature" when we refer to the healing power inside the body that is making homeostasis happen each second within us. It is this GREAT RESPECT for innate that we want to pass along, and the fact that our adjustment/systems are primarily aimed at restoring innatežs ability to bring the organism/patient back to a normal level of function, without drugs or surgery. It is innate where we have our faith. We start with the innate principle FIRST, instead of depending on a doctor or system to invent a treatment. Healing and health are an inside job. EDUCATED INTELLIGENCE This is the handle we put on our intellect. Neither innate or educated intelligence has to do with the spiritual soul of people, where God and the Devil do battle. But rather, the human spirit, the educated/conscious mind is where our depravity, our negative self is stored - the part we are working on each day to overcome. Stay away from all negatives, the news, other peopležs negative talk, negative self talk/ideas/thoughts. Stay away from all manner of defeat and pessimism, you can train yourself to always expect a positive outcome, motive, idea and possibility. Reinforce your positive attitude (attitude means everything) everyday by reading positive material, watching edifying events/pictures, associating with positive people and like minds. Prayer, worship and spiritual growth go above and beyond the positive thoughts of a positive attitude. GO FOR IT!! 1. Decide to change: Overcome complacency Move out of your rut Decide on action steps and goals Discipline yourself each day/each patient Keep from discouragement/apathy with coaching (answer to someone) Increase your belief in innate/adjustment/healing Become a healer AND teacher (T&T System) Become a TIC Soldier William Booth in 1865 decided to change his life. Mother Teresa decided to make a difference in peoples lives. BJ Palmer decided he would take on the pill world - the entire medical profession with a better idea, a better adjustment. MLK - decided that after changing himself, he would change the attitudes of people of color toward the prejudice and injustices of society. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU Doctor, must decide to change yourself. You must become a TIC SOLDIER. Train yourself to fight against: Ignorance against TIC Medical terrorist/boycott Medical elitism and supremacy, medical/worldly bias and prejudice against TIC Unnecessary surgery and overmedication of the world (93,000 die in hospitals a year because of medical mistakes. That is the same as four jumbo jet crashes everyday. Vacccinations are up to 28 shots/doses. Cancer is moving up to number one killer in children, Asthma, the number one childhood condition, was not even around before 1945. Liver transplants are needed because of Tylenol. Estrogen research proves the drug causes CVAås thrombi, breast cancer, death. Even the genome research will reach out to where the economic benefits are FIRST). Fight against insurance prejudice, restrictions, and negatives. Fight against government discrimination and medical control. And NEVER, NEVER, ever surrender our healing principles and practice for medial acceptance. Remember, patients come in to see how much you believe in TIC. Learn how to take charge and WOW the new patient. BE DETERMINED TO ACHIEVE YOUR TWO GREAT MISSIONS FOR EACH PATIENT 1. Clinical You must keep taking technique seminars to improve your adjusting skills. Plus you must get around, even visit great TIC healers. See their "intent"; the quantum physics in the mystic of healing, and their technique. You have to learn to CLEAR out your patients each visit. 2. Teaching If you do not impact your patients with the knowledge TIC has to offer, they are only impacted on an emotional level in your office ( clinically). Every patient must attend your new patient class, receive the subluxation, T&T sheets, understand their subluxations, and understand spinal decay/degeneration. They need to understand the three phases of care and where you are in their case. TEACH WHERE YOUR FAITH IS TODAY (daily action step) Teach and practice family care. Make a "bet" with your patients that they will lower the amount on their tax forms for medical deductions, if they do what you say this year. Soon, they may not even claim a medial exemption (like us) each year. Teach belief in innate/TIC first, drugs and surgery last. Teach about health (not sickness) and where it originates. Teach about subluxations. Teach about the "big idea" of TIC and health. Teach the disciplines of health. (DRESS) Diet, Rest, Exercise, Subluxation detection/correction, and Stress control. Teach the importance of the nervous systems and why you must be checked even with no symptoms. Teach how you and your family look at and care for their symptoms (Causes/Corrections VS Symptoms/Conditions) Teach them what part of healing does the adjustment effect. Teach your patient why every TOR looks at the feet (leg testing). Teach your patients how to treat you like a TOR. Read the Chiropractic Soldier every day.