The Famous ChiroPediatric Top 7 Shared by Držs Warner at: 10-27-01 The Top Seven Benefits to Giving a Health Talk for Your New Pediatric Patients. There are not many better ways to strengthen the foundation of your practice than to educate the children of your practice. They have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a sense of wonder about their bodies. You can help keep them from being raised in the 'doctor bag' culture and watch them benefit from the chiropractic lifestyle. 1. Educated children will take better care of their bodies and grow up healthier. 2. If patients give you an excuse that they can't attend your health talk because they cannot get a baby sitter, you can tell them to bring the kids with them. 3. If you have a two-doctor office, one can do the adult health talk and one can give the children's health talk. If you are a one-doctor office this gives you a good opportunity to have your spouse or chiropractic assistant take a leadership role and teach the children's health talk. This will also boost your staff's morale and participation in your office and mission. You can also schedule the talk at a different time than your adult health talk. 4. Giving a children's health talk also gives you a great opportunity to educate the parents an extra time too. After the talks are over an ingenious method to employ is to bring the children and parents together and ask the children to share with the parents what they learned in their health talk. With your coaching, the children will now explain to the parents at grade school level about what they learned about chiropractic. Now the parents can understand the chiropractic story on a simple level without you coming across in a condescending way. 5. After the children attend the health talk you will be pleasantly surprised on how the children will remind their parents when their chiropractic visits are scheduled and the families visit compliance will increase. They will point out to their parents to keep good posture and how adjustments will keep their family healthy. Kids will also demand that they get checked for subluxation if they have any falls on the playground or other types of trauma in addition to their regular wellness visits. 6. Although adult health talks last about one hour, when giving children health talks we must keep in mind their attention spans. Children's health talks usually last about twenty minutes. The rest of the time they can play games or watch videos. Giving children's health talks also keeps you on purpose and in tune with the children of your practice. 7. It is important to keep the talk for the children fun and interactive. You will be able to teach them about subluxation, brain function, adjustment and about the causes of subluxation and as well as many other important health issues. This can lead to other educational opportunities such as teaching children's health talks at day care centers or schools. You will see when you start scheduling health talks for the children of your office your practice will take on a higher purpose and the energy will be infectious. These educated children will be the leaders of tomorrow who will make the world a healthier place for everyone.