Hansel and Gretel The other day, I was thinking about planting more seeds. As a farmer .. I would not be content with each years harvest .. I would expect more next year. But ... will it happen without my help .. NO. I must prepare. Then I thought about the child廣 story of Hansel and Gretel. Hansel didn廠 leave it to chance to find his way out of the forest .. he made certain of his future by leaving bits of bread as a trail. Are you preparing for each harvest? Are you leaving behind ideas that can be shared and used by all? Are you anticipating a bumper crop of new patients because you prepared your soil .. planted the seeds .. nurtured the seedling .. and then watched it grow .. sprouting new ones all the time? I hope so .. not so much for you .. but for those you do and are yet to serve. This week廣 class is the last before finals .. a rap up of the Smart Start book. A synopsis of action steps to create a new chiropractic whirlwind of excitement and a new office. As I tell the class it isn廠 enough to purchase motivational tapes, spend thousands on consulting programs, read the best management books (including mine) purchase the best equipment, etc., then place all this data and knowledge under a telephone and ask it to ring. It won廠! You have to do something to get it going. I realize that these e-mails are read by various levels of chiropractors. There are a number of students, as well as field DC廣 from across the country and eight countries overseas. Does the Hansel and Gretel story apply to all .. you bet! Are we all doing what we need to do to be assured success .. whatever level of success is to you? I hope the answer is yes. Too often there are patient廣 who test our resolve .. they either don廠 get it .. or do not hear. Do you stop telling the story to the others? No ... you attempt to assure a large harvest by realizing that each field has it廣 share of detractors. This is so true within a living and breathing office. Your purpose of being .. your strength of resolve .. your commitment to the message .. your spreading of the Truth is what keeps the crops coming allowing you and your community to live in ecological harmony for the sake of each other. Again, is this concept real to you .. it should be. We live in harmony with each other. Aberrant behavior or aberrant function of the body is the same ... a system without balance .. disharmony .. dis-ease. Just tell the story .. share with others your knowledge of Life and Health. Spend time with your patient廣 and service them well .. don廠 cheat them nor yourself by giving less .. strive for more. Each new graduate (Hansel and Gretel) must start out with a plan. Hansel and Gretel knew they would be facing danger although they were unsure where or how. They knew they could be in some semblence of control by preparing to leave a path .. a way to both enter and leave ..they tried to leave little to chance. If you set out each morning determined to leave a path open for others to follow they will. Tell the story .. create wonderment in your office .. share your skills and watch your new or established practice grow. Dr. M