Depression and Addiction Therapy ( 11-18-02 From Dr. J.A. Tankersley: Some research that was done jointly with Adjustments, Amino Acids and Auricular Therapies. The origins of depressions, are a result of the changes in availability of Dopamine. this can be due to too few serotonin producing vesicles, synaptic cleft faults or a too few dopamine receptors.This can be identified by a buccal swab genetic test which will identify the genetic proclivity (not prediction, but probability of response) which allows these folk to experience problems. At the base of the ADD/ADHD complex, all addictions, depressions, manic /depressions are disorders of the neurotransmitter mechanisms resulting from Innate Intelligences' attempt to return the patient to homeostasis. (that's why many ADD/HD kids experience asthma syndromes, the adrenals exhaust since adrenalin and norepinephrine mimic dopamine) and the lungs dysfunction as a symptom. It's wiser and has always been our choice to address the adrenal insufficiency created by the hyperactivity of the pituitary\thyroid triggers than to treat the symptoms by adjustments, avoidance of the G.I. triggers that produce acetaldehyde (base chemistry in alcohol that depresses dopamine). These include the processed foods and other quickly fermented food stuffs. Essentially, anything that can be fermented into a beverage (corn, barley, rye) or that has been fermented into a food (yogurts, cheeses) or any food containing the vinegar component (acetic acid into acetaldehyde) can suppress dopamine availability and trigger a "hyper" episode. I.I. knows how to momentarily reward the deficiencies even at the expense of the hosts social calendar. Operative word is momentary. I wanted to encourage you to think about looking into a joint adventure with I.I. Use of the Reward Deficiency Formulations (containing amino acids and other very mild herbal materials), spinal adjustments and Diathermy treatments on the lungs and adrenal glands of these kids. The auricular therapies have been replaced by a cranial electrical stimulator (Dr. Braverman that settles down the P-300 wave form (indicative of an executive order of thinking, organization fault when it starts spiking). These protocols have a very definitive and demonstrative impact on ADD/ADHD children as well as adults. We need to re-organize our thoughts on ADD from a mental diminution to an "overload" syndrome. I.I. becomes overwhelmed because of the hyper-sensitivity of their C.N.S. and the subsequent adrenal crash. The overwhelming input (according to their C.N.S.) causes them to "distract" or in other words, the P-300 starts spiking and they can not attend or "tune in" to the environment for appropriate interaction. The ones with ADD/HD go into hyperdrive. Lithium suppresses the Alpha-2 receptor response which is the nor-epinephrine site in the brain. This (the nor-epinephrine bursts) in turns, turns up not only the volume but activity rate of input/output systems. The child is actually held hostage in this in-between non-functional state. The formulas, adjustments and electro-stimulation (whether auricular or CES) reverses this very quickly. The youngsters I have in my drug recovery program and in the ADD/HD recovery program do respond and respond very predictably.There is no coddling, or psycho-babel used, but straight forward Chiropractic philosophy and direct hands on treatment. It has a totally satisfactory outcome assessment that resolves both the parents and childs conflicts over the unknown. Finding out "what is" and "what can be" are very calming to parents that have lived with this problem with their children and in some instances themselves. That is why the gene test is so helpful. To the patient and the physician. There is a "starting point". Dr. K. Blum, the pharmacogenetecist that discovered the genetic variation for the DRD2, DRD1 and the DAT1 gene has a very clear and reproducible vision of what will facilitate these groups of patients from erratic bombastic behavior back toward a normalcy that is measurable and predictable. I would be glad to share more information should you have the interest. Chiropractic can add the nutritional support and/or the electrical components and achieve a 24 hour a day solution. Not just in spurts or bursts. Additionally, these kids can be rescued from facing an asthmatic crises every time things go afoul. Rescued from facing a life on Ritalin or mind altering substances. Rescued from the removal from the normal "growing-up" experiences and live as normal folk. I like yourself, believe there is a logical rational approach to each disorder we are confronted with. Since Chiropractic has always been and always be "ahead" of the scientific community, I think we should stand up and grasp this opportunity. Very sincerely, Dr. J. A. Tankersley,