Chiro 3327 Dr. Joel E. Margolies Chapter 1 Managed Care: Cost containment -- contracted health care providers -- restricted services -- time to tell the chiropractic story -- „Relief or Correction¾ Terms: HMO -- (Health Maintenance Organization) --Gatekeepers PPO -- (Preferred Provider Organizations) -- No Gatekeepers POS -- (Point of Service) -- Options Turf War: Interdisciplinary rivalry -- physician groups against each other $ is the driving force of physician relationships Create your own Community HMO: A: Prepare office newsletters concerning ergonomics and wellness B: Prepare a log of businesses close to 5-10 miles of your office C: Spend a specific amount of time -- daily -- to meet and leave material and your card D: Log these businesses and prepare a data sheet with labels for future use E: Send or leave follow-up material and next newsletter F: Discuss their willingness to be a member of your Community Wellness Program G: Offer them -- Ä reduced service fee for employees and immediate family Ä on-going ergonomic and wellness programs Ä marketing via discounts for other member services Reaching Out: Time is now to create awareness for you and chiropractic Corporate America Needs Us -- Increase Productivity -- Decrease Downtime 1/3rd of Workers Compensation fees are medical expenses 2/3rd is Lost Productivity -- temp. help -- non trained employees Corporate Meet and Greet: Human Resources and Safety -- Ä Human Resources -- responsible for the benefits of the employee Ä Safety Committees -- regarding safety -- workers compensation concerns Caution: They are concerned about employee worker¼s compensation Creating Your Practice: Purpose: Driving and motivating force within your office and your life Ä Define your comfort zone and how far you feel you can confront Ä Purpose is your sense of duty -- motivation is not from training -- you must be naturally and willingly motivated Ä Energy comes from Focus -- Power comes from Belief -- All else follows Policy: Set in motion specific hard and fast policies to keep you on purpose Ä Office Policy -- Continue to take educational seminars Have regular and set staff meetings Integrate your knowledge within your staff Re-create winning activities Organize your office for efficiency and low overhead Practice what you preach -- live the example you are creating Recognize your patients and award them with love Acknowledge your staff -- don¼t take them for granted Create new events months in advance Totally immerse yourself in Purpose Imagine what others would do with your office if they can Change within so you glow without Ä Staff Policy -- Listen to motivational and instructional tapes in their car Oversee the mechanics of the office and keep a smooth operation Visualize their role in your efforts towards Community Wellness Energy for continued growth -- maintain peak performance You have taken many office management, communications, and public relations classes during your 14 quarters at Life. Some of you have had the ability to work for chiropractors or come from a chiropractic family. But for many, in a few weeks, you¼ll be on your own in untested and shark ridden waters. The purpose of this class is to share my experience in a practical and timely fashion. I¼ll be here on time .. you be here tas well. Attendance is important and will be taken! YOUR PURPOSE THIS QUARTER We have a great obligation .. handed to us by those before us and by a power far greater than any of us. This obligation is to assist in increasing the flow of intelligence .. the guidance system .. that allows us to be at our peak physical and spiritual potential. The Subluxation inhibits this free flow of energy and therefore stifles this potential given to us at birth. Chiropractors and their staff are obligated to look beyond office hours; insurance hassels; patient needs and wants, and view the reality of the problem ..the Predicament of our Species .. we as a species are in trouble ... the human race is crying for help .. we are all imprisoned in a mesh of medical intervention ... pharmaceutical marketing and fear. We must tell the chiropractic story, provide the adjustment and let all else follow. Create community awareness and keep those that take part in our journey as ... Your Goal ... Your Mission ... Your Commitment! By reading this you have entered within a sacred trust. Eons ago from a jell of cells into a world of constant motion and growth .. randomness held together by a universal intelligence .. with universal forces .. universal matter .. imbued within us an Innate desire to be more. By reading this you now have a mission to feel for the desires of others .. to assist in their quest and constant battle to reduce interference to this innate intelligence .. an interference we call a Subluxation .. a blight on our spiritual and physical being. You have entered a world stifled by ignorance greed .. and by an ever present need to reduce this physical interference to life expression itself. This mission is beyond an early class hour or a 9-5 work routine. It is beyond a paycheck and a hard days work. It transcends beyond the frustration of paperwork and the ignorance of others. It is a purposeful mission a commitment to seek a further and higher plane of consciousness. A goal to reach out to all .. a life of wellness and health. By reading this you take part in the greater goal of helping others seek this higher plane of being and educating them as you are now. In so doing they in turn educate others. This is your Mission .. Your Goal .. Your Commitment Your Purpose The following weeks of classes are but a beginning. A battery of ideas to charge you for the benefit of others. The fun is in the trying. Be prepared to be here on time .. I will. Be prepared to stay for the entire class .. take notes .. review the text and create an awareness towards success. If you attempt to try any of these ideas be prepared to fail, but with each failure get back up and add strength and fortitude. Our message is vital. The manner in which you present it will either make or break your success .. therefore try and try again. Share success with others, don¼t be trapped into redoing the failures. If you feel uncomfortable to accomplish a worthy idea, find someone who can. My Purpose I will strive to answer any lingering questions you may have prior to graduation and stepping out on your own. I will deliver the class material in the best and most productive fashion I can. I will share with each of you my years of experience and find the time to answer your individual and collective questions to the best of my ability. My time doesn¼t end upon graduation. You can always reach me by phone .. 770-491-3639 .. by e-mail or by mail. My purpose is to assist you so you can assist others. You have the skills to perform the adjustment .. Now learn the skills to have the patient¼s available for the their adjustment and retain them as long as it takes to correct or best manage their subluxation towards increased Wellness .. Life and Health Your community needs you to succeed. The world needs you to succeed. We all do! Be Prepared to Win ..You already have you¼ve made it this far! Now ... LET¼S JUST DO IT RIGHT AND SMART START! Confrontational Tolerance This is a crucial concept that will make or break your life experience both professionally and socially. Without getting into a psychological diatribe, let it be said that your level of confrontation towards actual and perceived life battles will either clear a smooth path or present a rocky road. If you think about it, we strive towards social wellness as we do towards physiological wellness .. accept barriers are always being placed before us .. those being other souls and ideas. There are times we may feel uncomfortable to proceed but proceed we must. How many years of Jungian therapy must we travel to uncross the bridge we passed years ago. How many levels of rejection must we pass before we are hardened enough to plow forward for more. Both Dr. David Singer and Greg Stanley of Whitehall Management feel this is so crucial towards the success of their clients that they have spent hours discussing and taping their thoughts concerning this one major concept. Your staff and your ability to accept rejection .. confront a patient .. create more from less .. and go that extra step beyond your level of fear to succeed will be that barometer you¼ll be measured by. Below is a list of confrontational issues that will face you as a doctor. Which category are you in now and where do you hope to be? There is no right or wrong answer just an awareness that to succeed you must reach bridges and either cross them or side step another issue with whatever justification you conjure up. This quarter, my class will present various issues that will confront your level of tolerance. There may be concepts that will seem very unprofessional .. although I assure you they are not. There may be concepts that you may feel very uncomfortable doing .. such as speaking before an audience .. discuss money and schedules with a patient .. hire, train and fire staff .. that I assure you will eventually do. These areas that will force you to think and make that quick thumb up or thumb down is what I¼m writing about. That level of confrontation .. that level of willingness .. that level of acceptance and compliance that sets you apart from your doubts and fears .. that level of strength that comes from assurance and awareness .. a PURPOSE .. reaching deep within you gliding you higher into and onto a level playing field where practice makes perfect. As a chiropractic student ready to leave the womb of your school .. you feel you¼ll do okay by just showing up. Let¼s hope so. But practical reality dictates that you¼ll have to confront your fears .. you¼ll have to step outside your comfort zone .. you¼ll have to face rejection for your beliefs .. your good deeds and your professional demeanor. Why .. that¼s life! So face up to it now. Rather that sit in the back of the room and dream during the early hour of classes for the day to end .. for that diploma to set between the web of your hand .. sit up .. straighten up and think .. yes dream of what you¼ll have to do to be willing to comply to confront those fears and doubts. This class .. is non-confrontational .. it¼s just sharing. There is no right or wrong just a strong purpose to get my message out .. and for you to do the same! Don¼t kill an idea .. a concept .. due to the messenger .. the message is pure ..... What about you the doctor .. student? Where do you fit in? Will You: SAFE CONFRONTATIONAL Accept what the patient wants Discuss corrective care Provide what patient can afford Discuss corrective care options Have no patient policies Discuss and work with policy May provide office workshops Weekly mandatory workshops Rarely ask for referrals Encourage family and friends Unprofessional to promote Create community awareness Promote with pens and magnets Promote by handing out cards Wont work with attorney Be prepared to testify Accept political climate HMO¼s no bearing on practice Fear of competition There is no competition Stick to musculoskeletal Tell the chiropractic story Patients come from ???? In control of new patients Know everything already Always striving to learn more Which will you belong on? The choice is yours