Monday Morning Motivation from Patient Media, Inc. From William Esteb: Don't treat every patient equally. Keep in mind that patients from different generations respond differently from experts and authority figures. Patients in their upper 50s, 60s and older (the Bob Hope generation) want direction. "Doctor's orders" are expected. These older patients want to see confidence and a clear action plan. Assume the role of a "health coach" or offer too many choices and these patients will fault you for being indecisive or wishy-washy. Patients in their upper 30s, 40s and early 50s, the "baby boomer" generation wants a different type of doctor. Hungry for information, most want to participate in decisions about their health care. Offer choices, suggestions, alternatives and set aside any inclination to direct their behavior or control their actions. Remember, these are the folks who drove around in the '60s in VWs with the bumper sticker "Question Authority" on them! Patients in their 20s and early 30s, the "gen-Xers" are more like their grandparents. They're open to direction and seek efficiency. However, since they still think they're invincible and will live forever, many aren't very interested in their health. Be firm, concise and use visual aids. Due to your own way of seeing the world you may feel uncomfortable with one or more of these approaches. However, by adapting your communication approach based on generational differences you can improve rapport and increase patient satisfaction. ______________________________________________________ ____ A Shameless Plug From The Computer of William D. Esteb: ______________________________________________________ ____ Heat or ice? The upcoming venues for our new Advanced Patientology seminar cover both extremes of the climate spectrum: Phoenix, Saturday, April 8, 2000 Minneapolis, Saturday, April 15, 2000 Dallas, Saturday, April 29, 2000 Discover the 30 principles of patient-centered practice growth and find out what's new. (Lots!) If you have attended one of my previous seminars, join us at the lower refresher registration fee. Review the seminar outline and register on-line at the link below, or call us at (800) 486-2337 for more information.