Q: Dr. Margolies, I am finishing up my loan proposal and was wondering if you had any recommendations for the amount of dollars that should be devoted to advertising in the first year? Should this be a percentage of gross sales or a fixed amount? Any thoughts are appreciated. A: Thanks for the e-mail. I wish I had a great answer for you. Advertising in the beginning is usually a larger portion of your budget and is dependent on many factors including the best for the buck in your area. Inexpensive advertising can be available if you are going into a small market and very expensive in a large metro area. Therefore before setting a specific budget it is important you determine the market and the methods best ustilized for this. For instance .. yellow pages .. shopper newspapers .. metro newspaper ads .. insert flyers .. printed material .. patient and community newsletters (includes print and postage) .. hiring a PR person .. radio/TV .. and more is dependent on what worked in the past and what will work in your area. I would first set aside funds for a printing and mailing campaign .. hiring a chiropractic advertiser for this is possible and they can give you the details in terms of cost .. a direct mailing firm found in the yellow pages can also help promote to a specific demographic area as well as print and mail. Welcome wagon and New neighbor programs are also useful. So to answer your question .. I'm not sure of the % for you. Get the details or is you need to be general say 15-20% for a safe estimate and this is off the cuff. Have a Great Day Dr. M